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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mexican Marines capture "Comandante 7", Zeta leader of Hidalgo, Coahuila

by Sergio Chapa

A Zetas leaders is behind bars after being arrested in a small town just outside Nuevo Laredo.

The Mexican Navy confirmed the arrest of 28-year-old Jose Manuel Diaz-Guardado, alias "Comandante 7", on Sunday.

Authorities identified Diaz-Guardado as the plaza boss for the Zetas drug cartel in Hidalgo, Coahuila.

Officials said the incident took place in Colombia, Nuevo Leon along the Piedras Negras-Nuevo Laredo Highway.

Navy officials reported marines were out on patrol when they saw a vehicle with its doors open along the roadway.

It’s not clear what they were doing there but officials reported Diaz-Guardado and the others tried to flee the scene but were not able.

Authorities found a total of 10 assault rifles, ammunition, camouflage uniforms and $11,000 dollars and $4280 pesos in cash inside the vehicle.

Marines arrested Diaz-Guardado, Juan Jose Guadalupe Banda-Lopez, Jose Martin Dias-Guajardo and two minors.

Diaz-Guardado allegedly led marines to a municipal junkyard in Piedras Negras where authorities found more guns, vehicles, ammunition, uniform logos and other items.

All five suspects and the evidence are expected to transported to Mexico City where prosecutors will continue to investigate the case.

Spanish link: Armada detiene a jefe de plaza de los “zetas” en Coahuila


  1. just shoot these culeros...any fuckface wearing a Z tatue needs put down...i mean what other proof of guilt do you need ..

    unless you are a certain T'ardent who always sticks up for the bad guys...paid? shill..idiot?...who knows?

  2. I wonder if the car broke down, or ran out of gas. Kinda sounds like it. Bad luck for that guy, probably was checking in with boss in NL, or dropping off money or something, and thats how the day ended. You'd think if that happened someone would come pick them up right away.

  3. Good work keep up the pressure,torture these guys follow up the leads get them all,even the little guys. One step at a time!!

  4. They catch him and he gets replace the same day by a more brutal ZETA, The problem with mexico is the army are too spread out first send 75,000 troops to sinola to find and kill El Chapo by any means necessary, and anyone else who wants a fight, then use at least 75 percent of the military and Fed police to focus on "one area at a time", the only help the US so do for Mexico is to find the corrupt politicians monitoring them and checking bank statement and so on

  5. If you read this site as much as I dod, or followed it as closely as your post would imply, I don't see how you would think capturing would do anything but create more violence, chaos, and splintering. Chapo is not like the 'head vampire', everyone doesn't die if Chapo gets captured or killed. It would get worse.

  6. Congratulations to Mexican Armed Forces, Armas Cruzadas, and the U.S. Intelligence Community with the cooperative efforts of ICE, BEST and Air and Marine Operations Surveillance System (AMOSS. All known under one umbrella known as the Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise - I'll provide the link for the Congressional Report: ( Great work, felicidades, y que seguimos sacando estos sin verquenzos...

  7. Congratulations to Mexican Armed Forces, U.S. Intel and the "Armas Cruzadas Partnership" between U.S. and Mexican law enforcement; and those little things flying in the sky called UAVs...

  8. @J

    I agree with you, in the sense, capturing a "leader or Capo," tends to lead to more violence due to the gap being filled by another. However, the purpose of capturing or hunting these fugitives isn't so much to destroy or dismantle a particular cartel (although that is the long term goal) rather you have to think of it as bringing an individual to justice. After all what's the alternative, allowing these very dangerous criminals (leaders) to continue to murder with impunity?

  9. Congratulations to Mexican Armed Forces for lending these guys their standard issue boots........

  10. They are my cousins....they were framed.....

  11. estos no son capos ni en pelicula... son pura gente de bajos rangos... y no son de hidalgo, son de piedras negras.

  12. The prisoners seem to be wearing similar boots as their captors(Mexican Marines), also military type close cropped haircuts??


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