Legendary narcotrafficker Edgar Valdez Villarreal has been collaborating with Mexican authorities since 2008. having obtained a mid-level position in the Beltran Leyva cartel, La Barbie had been giving information on the movement of his boss and colleagues in the organization and had spent at least six months as an illegal captive in military base known as camp # 1
According to the information made available by Contralinea the collaboration between the narco trafficker and the authorities of the Secretary of National Defense occurred within these last few months to establish geography and locations of his bosses in the Beltran Leyva and Sinaloa cartels. Supposedly under torture, Valdez Villarreal had given names and methods of operations for protection rackets and hidden caches of weapons and money. The data from these sessions were used by the government of the Felipe Calderon to arrest and kill several high value targets.
Edgar Valdez Villarreal was formally presented to the public under presumption of detention on August 30th. His capture happened with constraints placed on the authorites of the state of Mexico and Morelos not to harm him, the cost was the lives of other narcotraffickers (who were killed during military operations or were presented with visible signs of torture), and it was implicated that no shots were fired during his arrest.
The Supposed Betrayel.
El Rey Zambada and his son, Jesus.
During the supposed illegal captivity in Military Camp #1, La Barbie had given up the safehouses of Reynaldo Zambada Garcia, alias El Rey and brother of Ismael Zambada Garcia, alias El Mayo (second only to Joaquin El Chapo Guzman in the Sinaloa cartel), including a house in the Federal District of Mexico City where on october 22nd of 2008 15 people were arrested including El Rey. Back then, El Rey Zambada occupied the plaze of Valle de Mexico for the Sinaloa cartel. Among his areas on influence was the international airport of Mexico City, a major transit point for drugs, mainly cocaine and ephedrine for the production of chrystal meth in the country. A year after his arrest, authorities arrested the nephew of El Mayo and son of El Rey, Jesus Zambada Reyes using intelligence provided by la Barbie. Jesus Zambada committed 'suicide' by hanging himself in a detention cell shortly after his capture. Authorities claimed he had been telling them of his intents of self harm days before the young man took his own life.
The information from Valdez Villarreal also led to an arrest announced on october 20th 2008 of 15 members of the Cali cartel – 11 of them Columbian nationals including four women in the Federal district. That group was headed by Teodoro Mauricio Fino Restrepo, alias El Gaviota who was heavily involved with the Beltran Leyva brothers. According to sources and information obtained by Contralinea, the announcement of the massive detention had been delayed since the month of September. That version claims that the “narcofiesta” where the arrests took place was a fabrication made up as a cover story for the government which would also make the war against the narcos more spectacular.
Another case in which Valdez Villarreals' information proved vital was called Operación Limpieza (Operation Clean up), also stared at the end of 2008. This culminated in the detention of high level figures in the office of the Assistant Attorney General for Special Investigations and Organized Crime (SIEDO), a subdivision of Mexico's office of Attorney General (PGR). Among those noteworthy arrests were former Technical Director, Miguel Ángel Colorado and Fernando Rivera Hernández, former Director of Intelligence.
Recently, La Barbie has been suspected of treason within the Beltran Leyva cartel and his been blamed for the death of Arturo, leader of the cartel which bears his last name. According to the versions obtained by Contralinea, Valdez Villarreal did indeed provide intelligence which gave the location of El Barbas to the authorities. La Barbie allegedly received a call for help from the capo who was surrounded at the time, but his main bodyguard refused to send his own sicarios in for back up and insisted the drug lord give himself up peacefully.
Hierarchy of Positions in the Mafia
Although president Felipe Calderon referred to Valdez Villarreal as “one of the most wanted criminals in Mexico and abroad” on his Twitter account, sources have revealed that La Barbie was considered a medium-range operative in the Beltran Leyva cartel and was not a general. His only position of authority was on the level of sicarios. The detention of La Barbie is part of 238 members and helpers of the Beltran Leyva cartel who have been arrested since 2007.As documented by Contralinea (editions 183 and 190) of those detained 15 were released in January of 2007 and Feburary of 2010 berfore they were seen by a judge or stood trial.
The Calderon administration has been accused of favoring the Sinaloa cartel which has had the affect of turning the alliances of the Beltran Leyvas upside down (specifically the arrest of Alfredo Beltran Leyva, El Mochomo) which saw some factions of the fractured cartel aligning themselves with Los Zetas. Of those who were considered the most visible leaders: Alfredo and Carlos Beltran Leyva, brothers of the fallen Arturo, Jerónimo Gamez García, “who handled the money in the acquisition of cocaine from Columbia,” and Héctor Huerta Ríos, “key member who handled large drug shipments headed north of Mexico.
According to the federal Secretary of Public Security(SSP), Genero Garcia Luna the capture of La Barbie “was due to the intelligence work that was initiated in January and led to different areas of the country until Valdez Villarreal was detained.” the version submitted by the SSP assured that the blood thirsty sicario had become one of the principal candidates to head the Betran Leyva cartel even though he stood accused of being a traitor to Arturo Beltran Leyva.
In his first ministerial declarations, Valdez Villarreal revealed that he had trafficked cocaine to the United States by routes that stretched from Columbia-Panama-Mexico. Even this activity only confirmed La Barbie's medium level in the hierarchy in the mafia, not a high level don as he was accused of by the authorities. His route has been recently documented in reports by authorities in Latin American and Caribbean nations as well by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
Confidential sources consulting with Contralinea have assured that this criminal route become increasingly lucrative as a shipment made its way north; While a kilo of cocaine goes for about $150 USD in Columbia, in Panama it more than doubles in value at $350 in Mexico its worth about $1500, and in America it can go for $2200
Valdez Villarreal was born in Texas and started his career in the Sinaloa cartel. Later, he became responsible for collecting drug taxes in “plazas” controlled by the Beltran Leyva's as well as heading the sicarios of the organization and often served as the bodyguard for Arturo Beltran Leyva.
The U.S. Petition for the extradition for La Barbie will be heard in October, after the 40 day arraignment concludes, according to a statement released by the PGR on Friday.
Sources: Contralinea, Cronica, ABC
it makes me happy to hear about this scumbag snitching on his own people. this incident has caused fear and confusion within the beltran leyva cartel as well as the other cartels. that is the best way for the mexican gov. to infiltrate the cartels on their own. good ol' traditional snitching and backstabbing. me personally, i would never trust a person nicknamed "la barbie" A9jul
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't use term LEGENDARY' referring to La Barbie.
ReplyDeleteif you look back at previous la Barbie articles on this site you will find several where i mentioned long before barbies capture that he in fact was an informant. He was known U.S informant from as far back as 2007. Also on the list of informants working with protection of high ranking U.S DEA / ICE officials is none other than Z-40 Miguel Trevino. U.S policy on drugs and cartels runs deep and the price a guy like Barbie or Trevino pay to stay free is information.
ReplyDeletescroll down to comments and read anonymous june 14th 2010 1:03 PM post.. long before babrbie was captured.
"someone in the know"
link to see comment:
Wow, A lot of people (on here) are going to feel like geniuses if this turns out to be true. Personally, I don't buy, but the evidence seems to be against me.
ReplyDelete"While a kilo of cocaine goes for about $150 USD in Columbia, in Panama it more than doubles in value at $350 in Mexico its worth about $1500, and in America it can go for $2200"
ReplyDeleteThis makes me question the entire article. Aint no kilos selling for 2200$ bucks in America.
"While a kilo of cocaine goes for about $150 USD in Columbia, in Panama it more than doubles in value at $350 in Mexico its worth about $1500, and in America it can go for $2200"
ReplyDeleteThis makes me question the entire article. Aint no kilos selling for 2200$ bucks in America."
Fuentes confidenciales consultadas por Contralínea aseguran que, en esa ruta criminal, el precio de la cocaína se va encareciendo: mientras que el kilogramo del estupefaciente se adquiere a unos 2 mil dólares en Colombia, en Panamá su valor asciende a 4 mil, en México alcanza los 18 mil y en Estados Unidos supera los 22 mil dólares.
This was the original text so i think I may have gotten the translation wrong. 2,000 Columbia, 4,000 Panama,18,000 Mex, 22,000 USD. It was late when I typed this up. And to be honest, I don't buy cocaine so i wouldn't know too much on prices.
But I'm ready to admit if I get it wrong, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
i thought they were talking pesos so i got the conversion rates mixed up.
ReplyDeleteLa Barbie a snitch, no way! Really, tell me something I don't know.
ReplyDelete@ Valentina
ReplyDeleteWell this has always been our theory in some sense, but I thought the collusion included DEA operatives in MX as also being in the mix. I do know he will be extradicted and cut a marvelous deal...and then what? will he remain smiling? It will be interesting to see how this plays out..
I guess Barbies whole family might go into hiding if this is true.
ReplyDeletethe Cartels went after and got the family of the slain marine after Arturo Died.
how much taxpayer money will go to provide protection to these people?
is it in the millions?
Price on the streets vary, but not too far.
ReplyDeleteAnywhere from 18-24 depending on how far away from the border you're purchasing it. Around the border you can get it from 16-18.. Varies if you purchase it in the Mexican side or the American side.
If you purchase it directly from a columbian source and make a decent purchase in weight, you can get it cheaper than 2k a kilo.
I remember everyone was saying send him to Super Max....what now do you do with a Super Snitch. I'm betting that he gets dumped on the US along with the bill to prosecute him and let him sit in a cell and get fat for the rest of his life. What a waste. He needs to be flushed!!!
ReplyDeleteA Kilo in 2006 in DGO MX cost me 4500.00.
ReplyDeleteYeah when I saw the $2200 a kilo I almost wanted to fly directly to Mexico until I realized that must have been a typo.
ReplyDeleteRiseMakaveli is correct. I can't speak for prices from a large-scale Colombian connect, but prices as far away as Atlanta as recent as 2005 were $20,000/kilo and that's purchasing less than 5 kilo's at a time. Of course the kilo's had been stepped on, but were still wholesale quality.
However, only recent prices I know near where I live (Indiana), were as high as $33,000 in the recent years. Obviously if you know the right people in Chicago you could probably get it way lower, but that's a big if
The thing that doesn't add up to me is if he was really out of circulation for 6 months, wouldn't that have put doubts about him with the cartels?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, it was clear that he wanted to be handed over to the US authorities pretty badly which makes me thing he has a deal worked out with them.
Anonymous @ 10:34am: I believe you meant 454 to a pound, not a kilo.
ReplyDeleteI know that in southern california a kilo was going 14k in 2007 from some people i knew.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you call him legendary or snitch or whatever. Valdez Villarreal when he was operating with the cartels or as informant made an impact in this ongoing drug war that cannot be disputed.
ReplyDeleteAccording to local law enforcement 1 kilo lots are fetching $27,000-30,00 here in Chicago when sold on the street to local gang bangers. I don't know if Australia uses a different metric system, but one kilo contains 1000 grams.
ReplyDeleteSorry, if I haven’t been around as much, I’m literally immersed in the midst of mid-terms (it’s the same as being caught up in hurricane season or in an actual hurricane). Needless to say, I haven't slept much this week.
ReplyDeleteAbuela: As for La Barbie, I suppose it was evident that he survived as long as he did by simply providing information to the authorities. I don’t believe he’s a high level informant, since the most he could provide at the time was possible locations and whereabouts – nothing major. If he does make it to the U.S., then maybe he has a chance at negotiating a plea agreement. But, to be quite honest, I don’t think he’ll make it.
Go to the lords or latin kings in chicago, They sell it way under 20/kilo. Be prepared to buy alot
ReplyDeleteFor the "Rambosos" ( my term for the Red Zone Dogs of the blog...ck it out
@ Valentia...
ReplyDeleteYep...but I think in the end he will bnot be the great capo as advertised...but I feel he was a higher infomant than you describe..gotta be true..we shall see? Si?
Zambada Reyes Jesus killed himself because he betrayed his family by telling the authorities what he knew about drug business? Was it because he was being bullied by the authorities? His family were very angry with him? He could have been given a reduce sentences and then go home, but he chose to depart the world. It is something I could not understand; if I were him I'd stay in jail, serve the sentence time, and then go home. Maybe, he was depressed (because people killed themselves after suffering depression). He did not have any fight in him, did not care about anything. He just wanted out. I understand this is none of my business, but I was trying to figure out why he committed suicide. Committing suicide is not a crime.
ReplyDeleteCouple of days ago I overheard a guard who works with ICE say that Barbie was in their custody once. I dunno if they knew who he was but most likely they did as they have experts who check every detainee's pictures and info. Now, why would he be detained when he's American? Doesn't make sense but he may have been pretending to be of Mexican origin to slip back to his comfort zone. Supposedly ICE has many undercover American ICE agents posing as cartel members deep in Mexican territory. They apperently gain access by having family back in Mexico that gives their background story some credibility...but you didn't hear this from me.
ReplyDeleteEverybody knew something was up when the "El Jeffe" called La Barbie for reinforcements
ReplyDeletewith all the marines takin positions outside
his Condo back in December. La Barbie told
him basicaly to kiss his A--! When that was his
Job to "Protect and Serve" Artero correct?
Is this the reason he was apparently smiling when they show him in hand cuffs? Hey, call him what you want, if it helps put more scum away then I'm all for it, but, I don't think these scum should just get jail time, It would be justice if they were put down like the beasts that they are. Known drug cartel member? GUILTY! Here's your membership card to the Instant Death Club. I'm for the death penalty in these cases.
ReplyDeleteA kilo goes for 15 to 18 depending on quality out in so. Cal.....if your well conected price can go as low as 13k
ReplyDeleteCome visit in Laredo, TX - Prices a lot lower down here on the border of it all -
ReplyDeleteFrom Detroit what's the best clubs or pool room in Laredo?