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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Guns, Drugs, and La Barbie

Guns, drugs, and La Barbie: Why America is responsible for Mexican drug cartels.

By Jacob Bronsther
The Public Philosopher

Drug lords like La Barbie threaten Mexico's security with American-bought firearms, and finance their violent empires with American drug money.

After the arrest this week of one of Mexico’s most ruthless drug lords, “La Barbie,” media coverage has highlighted his American-born, football star origins. But the kingpin is the product of America in a more profound way: We are morally responsible for his career. Indeed, we are culpable for the rise of all the Mexican drug cartels, whose $39 billion criminal enterprise has led to more than 23,000 deaths since 2006, and brought a fledgling democracy to its knees.

To attribute moral responsibility to one nation for another’s domestic problems is usually a fraught process, since there are so many causal forces in play. But in this case, the connection is crystal clear. Mexican drug lords exist to feed the US drug market. And they get their guns through the US weapons market. We give the bad guys their money by buying their drugs; we sell them the guns that enable their continued existence; and they threaten a nation of more than 100 million people at our border.

Like a game of Whac-a-Mole where the moles are on cocaine, speak Spanish, and wield rocket-propelled grenades, the Mexican cartels, in existence for decades, emerged as kingpins when they filled the supply-side gap that opened up when Colombia’s Cali and Medellín cartels dissolved in the 1990s, along with the cocaine trafficking route through Florida.

Mexican cartels supply American drug demands
According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, Mexican cartels now dominate the wholesale illegal drug market in the US, both by producing drugs in Mexico and trafficking those grown elsewhere in Latin America. The State Department estimates that 90 percent of the cocaine entering the US transits through Mexico. The cartels are also the biggest foreign supplier of marijuana to the United States, and a major supplier of methamphetamine and heroin. They distribute wholesale to their outlets in more than 2,500 American cities, leaving retail sales to various American gangs.

Mexico’s cartels earn upward of $39 billion annually in illicit proceeds from the United States, the Justice Department estimates. To put that in context, it’s roughly equal to the global annual revenue of Google and Halliburton combined.

What’s more, we help them launder their money. From 2003 to 2008, Wachovia Corp. alone laundered at least $110 million, according to the Justice Department. Wachovia admitted to “serious and systematic” violations of the Bank Secrecy Act and agreed to pay $160 million to resolve the criminal case against them. American Express Bank International and Western Union have also recently agreed to huge settlements with the government for laundering Mexican drug proceeds.

Buying guns in the US
While the cartels pay fewer taxes then their fellow Fortune 100 companies, their security overhead is more expensive. They cross the border for those purposes, too, where we welcome them with (open) arms. In Mexico, civilians need approval from the military to purchase firearms and cannot own high-powered pistols or large-caliber rifles. In the US, however, gun dealers can sell multiple military-style rifles to citizens without even reporting the sales.

The cartels hire people without criminal records to buy a handful of weapons at a time, from licensed dealers – there are 6,600 along the border alone – or private individuals at gun shows, and then drive them across the border. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and Explosives estimates that 90 percent of the traced firearms recovered in Mexico originated in the US.

Flush with American money and guns, the cartels have wreaked havoc in Mexico, especially in the northern states along the 2,000-mile border. Since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderón declared war on the cartels and deployed more than 45,000 troops, at least 23,000 people have been killed in drug-related battles.

The cartels’ violence features, among other tactics, beheading police officers, branding victims, shooting up newspaper offices after they post articles on corruption, intimidating voters, and assassinating leading law enforcement officials, elected leaders, journalists, and political candidates. The fear is so great that in some towns political parties cannot find anyone to run for mayor.

Intimidation and corruption
The parade of horribles is long. The list of Mexican officials either charged with drug conspiracy or placed in the cartels’ crosshairs indicates the level of internal corruption and terror the cartels can generate.

Rondolfo Torre, the leading gubernatorial candidate in the border state of Tamaulipas, was gunned down about a month after Gregoria Sanchez, mayor of Cancun and candidate for Quintana Roo governor, was arrested for protecting the Beltran Levya and Zetas drug organizations. Meanwhile, former Quintana Roo Gov. Mario Villanueva was extradited earlier this summer to the US on charges of conspiring to import hundreds of tons of cocaine. Over in the western state of Sinaloa, agents of Mexico’s Federal Investigative Agency are believed to work as Sinaloa cartel enforcers. And the Attorney General’s Office reported in December 2005 that one-fifth of its officers were under investigation.

Through rampant kidnapping of employees, the cartels even shut down major northeastern operations of Pemex, the state oil company and largest source of national income. Their goal was not free oil – they’ve been stealing it for years – but rather, regional control.

Our responsibility
While it’s clear that certain members of our community are complicit to the situation south of the border, why does this morally implicate the entire nation and federal government? Surely, no US leader supports our illegal drug purchases and weapon sales. The response is that there are huge numbers of fellow citizens involved, and the government does little to combat the problem. A nation can be responsible for its inaction, too.

If we take our moral status seriously, both as a people that supports young democracies and as one that doesn’t inflict fatal damage on allies wantonly and glibly, then we need to prioritize this problem. From a more self-regarding perspective, consider that the chaos in parts of Mexico creates greater incentives for illegal immigration. And narco-states are not friendly neighbors.

As to the guns, there aren’t any magic policy bullets, but closing down the gun shops arrayed at the border, possibly though zoning laws, is a good start. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t cover Mexican drug lords, gladly. We should also increase the penalties for smuggling weapons.

As to the money, we need to think harder and faster about stemming the demand for drugs, and find the maturity to discuss the legalization and regulation of some recreational drugs, which would funnel the funds away from the cartels, even if we ultimately reject such arguments. A less dramatic start, however, would be a public advertising campaign that informs people where the money goes when they buy cocaine.

We must also fulfill our pledge under the Merida Initiative, signed by President Bush in 2006, to donate $1.3 billion worth of helicopters, police training, and other assistance for the war against the cartels.

Here’s the deal we’ve signed on to. In return for dangerous drugs and illegal immigrants, we give brutal drug lords billions of dollars and enough weapons to take on a major army, terrorize millions of civilians, and threaten a democracy. There’s no subtlety to our misdeeds. It’s moral philosophy for kindergartners.


  1. Here we go again...

    I think the BB posts stories like this just to rile up the gun nuts and US apologists. I can see the posts coming already...

    Pobrecitos los gueros...everybody blames them for everything...and, of course they're not all at fault for anything.

    Then we'll get the gun nuts... Eevery gun hobbyist knows that the 90% figure is just a liberal media distortion...

    ...and I can already see the dumbass poster that always says, "The Mexicans get the government they deserve."


  2. The "guns from the US" line has been discredited several times and holds no water. Are legally purchased guns supplied with free grenades? With this kind of financial clout, the cartels simply buy and import weapons of choice from overseas.
    A few bucks goes a long way at Mexican customs.

  3. "A nation can be responsible for its inaction, too."
    How quaint. Better yet, how about this nation closing its borders and patrolling it with Predator drones?
    I read much of what Borderland beat posts but this joint responsibility stuff is a little rich.

  4. be more accurate. 90% of traceable guns? how many of captured firearms are actually traceable? dirty little secret: china fully automatic ak47 through mexican sea ports ($200 ea.) sold by the pallet on container. grenades and rocket launchers from guatemala, honduras and el salvador. much easier to bribe a mexican custums agent and latin american general for weapons. try purchasing a "Fully auto" ak or M-16, M-4 type rifle in the US. Good Luck! HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FULLY AUTO AND SEMI. MAY LOOK THE SAME, BUT THE BAD GUYS HAVE NO USE FOR A SEMI AUTO.

  5. I crack with all the posts saying one side is always at fault. There are always people who say it's all the fault of the Americans or it's all the fault of the Mexicans. The truth is, it's the fault of everybody. In Mexico, what happened is that the problem was there all along and they just let them get stronger. now they are finally dealing with it, but the problem is that the cartels have expanded. It will take time, but contrary to what you see on the news, the Mexican government is stronger than all the cartels. Hell, here in Michoacan just a few days ago, the army arrested/killed at least 20 members of La Familia. No challenge to the army. On the American side, I crack up because immediately they get so defensive. "Oh no, it's not guns from the U.S". Why not? If they get the arms from China, grenades from Central America, what's to stop them from ALSO getting good weapons from next door? Also, when was the last time you heard the American government doing anything to reduce demand? Or anything to reduce the flow of cash/arms going southbound? The truth is both countries need to work together because the drug problem affects both of them.

  6. Responsibility... take some of it.
    Blaming the big bad American boogeyman isn't going to solve anything.

  7. This should have never been posted here. A NYU law students article and he know absolutely nothing about the 2nd amendment, zoning laws or the history of total corruption in the un-democratic state of Mexico. Please delete this rubish.

  8. This is not a news story. He is a law student with a political axe to grind. Thus his retarded statements about shutting down gun stores through zoning. "Fledgling democratic nation", he also knows nothing of past or present political machines. This is ignorance at it's best and this should not have been posted, it is a political piece from NYU.

  9. Once again, US has to take the blame for the problems in MX... Did you ever stop and think that maybe the US wouldn't have such a bad drug problem if it's southern neighbor Mexico didn't have such an abundant supply? Cut off the supply, reduce the drug problem. Where else would they be able to get it then? Canada? I don't think so. The problem is the corruption in Mexico and the absence of accountability for the corrupt officials involved. MX needs to man up and take responsibility for their problem and fix it...FAST. The millions of innocent and 'good' citizens of MX are sick to death of it already. That's why so many want to get in to the US.

  10. This is correct as the gun issue is one being pushed by the left to get more gun control in the states.Fully auto carbines are coming from overseas,central america and mexicos miltary.

  11. Regarding above comments, I'm glad to see that so many intelligent people read this blog and are willing to comment. Usually when I see people comment on political issues such as what's happening in Mexico, they're extremely one-sided or misinformed. I'm happy that there's at least one exception.

  12. Ok... reality check...

    ...all those NATO chambered M-16 spinoffs are from China?

    FUCK THAT ARGUMENT.... that's just asinine and obstinate.

  13. "But the kingpin is the product of America in a more profound way: We are morally responsible for his career."

    That's the kind of stupid talk I would expect from a sleazy Zionist Jew. Blame Americans. Blame ALL Americans. What a complete ignorant moron. Go back to Israel where you belong.

  14. Both countries are at fault for the rise of the cartels: MX for having such unbelievably corrupt officials, and the U.S. for allowing weapons to travel South with relative impunity for the sake of gun rights.

    There has to be a compromise. For example: the gun show which allow the wholesale of fire arms with relatively weak background checks and most of the time same-day-sales; can be a bazaar for anyone buying weapons for the cartels. Most gun stores are legit and follow the law which, if applied is effective at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.

    But gun shows are a whole different matter.

  15. There's just one problem with the 90 percent "statistic" and it's a big one:

    It's just not true.

    In fact, it's not even close. The fact is, only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.

    What's true, an ATF spokeswoman told, in a clarification of the statistic used by her own agency's assistant director, "is that over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S."

    But a large percentage of the guns recovered in Mexico do not get sent back to the U.S. for tracing, because it is obvious from their markings that they do not come from the U.S.

    "Not every weapon seized in Mexico has a serial number on it that would make it traceable, and the U.S. effort to trace weapons really only extends to weapons that have been in the U.S. market," Matt Allen, special agent of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), told FOX News.

    A Look at the Numbers

    In 2007-2008, according to ATF Special Agent William Newell, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced -- and of those, 90 percent -- 5,114 to be exact, according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover -- were found to have come from the U.S.

    But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes.

    In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.

    So, if not from the U.S., where do they come from? There are a variety of sources:

    -- The Black Market. Mexico is a virtual arms bazaar, with fragmentation grenades from South Korea, AK-47s from China, and shoulder-fired rocket launchers from Spain, Israel and former Soviet bloc manufacturers.

    -- Russian crime organizations. Interpol says Russian Mafia groups such as Poldolskaya and Moscow-based Solntsevskaya are actively trafficking drugs and arms in Mexico.

    - South America. During the late 1990s, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) established a clandestine arms smuggling and drug trafficking partnership with the Tijuana cartel, according to the Federal Research Division report from the Library of Congress.

    -- Asia. According to a 2006 Amnesty International Report, China has provided arms to countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Chinese assault weapons and Korean explosives have been recovered in Mexico.

    -- The Mexican Army. More than 150,000 soldiers deserted in the last six years, according to Mexican Congressman Robert Badillo. Many took their weapons with them, including the standard issue M-16 assault rifle made in Belgium.

    -- Guatemala. U.S. intelligence agencies say traffickers move immigrants, stolen cars, guns and drugs, including most of America's cocaine, along the porous Mexican-Guatemalan border. On March 27, La Hora, a Guatemalan newspaper, reported that police seized 500 grenades and a load of AK-47s on the border. Police say the cache was transported by a Mexican drug cartel operating out of Ixcan, a border town.

    'These Don't Come From El Paso'

    Ed Head, a firearms instructor in Arizona who spent 24 years with the U.S. Border Patrol, recently displayed an array of weapons considered "assault rifles" that are similar to those recovered in Mexico, but are unavailable for sale in the U.S.

    "These kinds of guns -- the auto versions of these guns -- they are not coming from El Paso," he said. "They are coming from other sources. They are brought in from Guatemala. They are brought in from places like China. They are being diverted from the military. But you don't get these guns from the U.S."

  16. Reporter Buggs is trying to do the impossible, which is to try to educate the US Right Wingers as tot eh US responsibility in the violence they cause in Mexico through their funding of the 'drug war' via the Merida initiative and in other ways. The problem though is that these US dullards are impervious to any efforts to get them to be responsible some for their own government's actions. They don't care, won't listen, and will stay willfully ignorant no matter how much information they receive about anything.

    The US is messing with other people's countries all over the Planet and yet the US dittoheaded will always continue to act as if all other countries around the globe have independence of action! It's like they can't figure out why there are 800 or so military bases in other peoples' countries?

    The US Right Winger is basically a moron, Buggs. You'll never be able to get a clue through their thick skulls and into their brains. Thank you for trying though. It was a valiant effort.


  17. AK 47 are not made in the USA they are brought into Mexico from South American countries who buy Russian arms.

  18. The article is nonsense. Most of which has been pointed out so I won't repeat it. People who do evil are responsible for the evil that they do -- period.

  19. "Eureka! I understand now..You wouldn't be a prostitute if I didn't have a penis!"

    That about sums it up.

    The last time I checked, Canadian dope gets smuggled into the US, but the offenders aren't sawing each other's heads off, and Canada would remain a functioning country without its dope trade.

    Mexico has only itself to blame for the cesspool it's become.

  20. Anyone know how many guns & artillery have been stolen from American Army bases and smuggled into Mexico? Then there is the weaponry that is appearing in Cartel raids that originated from the Mexican Army and Federal police not to mentions artillary from China and Russia. Pointing fingers is useless - it is what it is..plug up the border. Mexico needs to stop whining about the poor immigrants and their right to enter the US illegally and strengthen its own economy, flush out corruption, build a couple of supermax prisons and start training and paying its army and police as they do in the US. I find it amusing Mexico is less than forgiving when non Mexicans overstay their welcome in that country yet expect the US to welcome and pay for the Mexicans they won't support including vicious criminals that cross back forth into the US. The Cartels are now operating in every major US city and in Canada. And the reason there are so many Hondurans et al crossing is because Mexican officials are not discouraging them from crossing in Chiapis and other southern points as long as they are on their way to the US. What a logistical mess. Unless Mexico's government stop whining and blaming and start securing their own borders and fixing their infrastructure and strengthening the economy for its own people this mess will never end. For years the US dollars that has flowed back to Mexico from illegals and has never been discouraged because it has benefited corrupt Mexican politicians - why stop a good thing - except now corruption has led to all out lawlessness and despair. How sad that a beautiful country that has had economic opportunities to dig itself out from 3rd world status is turning into a stinking sink hole of death and fear. Stop blaming - start fixing.

  21. I dont see people smuggling weed from Califonia to the Baja

  22. I am a FOX News fan, but a free thinker and fact checker...they are wrong on the "17%"

    As is the 90%

    SOmewhere around 36% is more reliable
    But honestly, it does not matter much..
    both countries harbor blame & can be more diligent and responsible.

    I loved the prostitute/penis comment made me laugh

  23. PS

    notice edgar's polo shirt? was he packed and ready to roll? JAJA

  24. Kook cloesly at those guns, they have grenade launchers, nothing that a US citizen can purchase. On the other hand, the Mexican Army has those weapons. Hmmm, defectors taking their weapons with them? Same story with the grenades....

  25. Kick Uncle Sam again, harder.

    It is so much easier to kick Uncle Sam than to turn around and see your cousin Hugo sticking a big knife in your back.

    He is the supplier and facilitator of human slave traffic, drugs and guns to Mexico. Tremendous amounts of people drugs and guns come from him. Multiple purchases of small arms in lots of 100,000s (AKs): Russia and China. Thousands of of Russian sniper rifles etc.

    He has an army of 38,000 what is he doing with all those guns? Selling them to Mexican capos cheap, cheap, cheap. To him the biggest capo is just another ni ni.

    A broken and unstable Mexico is his benefit.

    Mexico has the most political potential and potential financial power over all of CA and most of SA. That power would interfere with his plans. Using Mexico as his mule, he keeps it from getting its act together, creates a distraction for the US, and has a positive cash flow. It's good business. His attempts to operate legitimate business is a total failure (negative cash flow).

    Cousin Hugo has big plans for all of northern SA and CA; he wants it all. And he needs big money and no interference. So come on boys join up and die.

  26. As a gun nut, I agree that a high percentage of guns being used illegally in Mexico do originate in the US.

    Did you know that many of the vehicles used illegally in Mexico were manufactured in the US. Many also were stolen by illegals in the US and driven back to Mexico.

    Oh, back to the guns. Many US made weapons traceable or not, were stolen out of Mexican or Guatemalan/El Salvadorean armories.

    The fully automatic AK's come from China and those ever present
    opportunists, Russians, who would sell their mothers for a ruble.

    The liars who misrepresent statistics should realize that unfortunately in the US, you can't just walk out of Joe's gun shop with a select fire M-16 or any explosive device.
    Don't blame us, look in your own espejo.

  27. anon@7:31 Look at this

    The Bolivarian Revolution

    What kind of propaganda does Comandante Hugo Chávez believe he is going to generate for his Bolivarian revolution by allowing huge shipments of drugs, on numerous occasions, to come out of Venezuela and enter Mexico as if nothing were happening?
    allowing obviously recognizable loads of cocaine, heroine —and arms— to be shipped to Mexico
    many times, that drug shipments originating in Venezuela have been detected in our country.
    Ciudad del Carmen airport, the Army seized 5.5 tons of cocaine from a DC-9 passenger aircraft coming in from Caracas.
    drugs —valued at more than US
    $100,000,000 million
    Group that attacked pipeline in Mexico is financed by Chávez
    Venezuela Called a Hub for Cocaine Smuggling (07-11-07)
    Pravda: Chavez Purchases Russian Arms to Launch "Guerrilla Warfare" Against USA (06-25-07)
    Key FARC Role in US Cocaine Trade (02-12-07)
    Havana-Caracas Axis Supports Mexico's Chavezista Cells (Spanish; 03-07-06)
    Raúl Tortolero | El Universal Online – Mexico
    The Embassy of Venezuela in Mexico has been shown, by very different sectors in that country and in Mexico, to be an instrument of the ideological propaganda and political expansion of the personal interests of Hugo Chávez. Observations of interventionism include giving electoral support to the PRD [Democratic Revolutionary Party of Mexico], even "espionage," as well as a presumed importation of high caliber weapons and contacts with the FARC, ETA and Al Qaeda.

    This is the gift President Hugo Chávez this country. The Bolivarian Revolution.


  29. People would grow their own weed in their own backyards for better quality. Farmers markets would really take of. We would see many unemployed defense lawyers, an oversupply of prosecutors, overcapacity in the prison system, many judges taking early retirement, no dollars going to Mexico, more illegal immigration, etc. etc. An economic disaster.
    Prohibition is much more important financially than saving our math, science, history, english, and geography handicapped little ones from the weed. It's all about money.

  30. Marijuana comes from the plant, not chemical unless people mix them together. Marijuana is a leaf or something like that. I personally think marijuana is not that worse than alcohols. Ciagrettes, alcohols are legalized in most of the countries thanks to Al Capone and that smoke inventor, but why can't marijuana becomes legalized too? Just because of ugly looking on the red eyes? Impaired while driving or working? It does the same thing to alcohols. Leafs being smoked and eaten offend anti-drug people?

  31. For over a hundred years the history(s) of Canada, USA, and all countries south of the Rio Grande tell an undeniable story. The question that keeps coming up is ," Why are Canada and the USA so dramatically different from all the countries south of the Rio Grande ? The English speaking countries founded on north European principles all evolved into stable democracies and formidable economic engines. Every country south of the Rio Grande were founded on principles from southern Europe. Today in Europe itself Spain, Portugal, Italy are all on extremely shakey financial ground and all have a history of corruption, revolutions, ect. In fact every country in the world that is and has been stable socially, politically, and economically are those with solid foundations in Northern Europe; i.e. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa ( South Africa is an excellant example of what happens to a country originally founded on North European principles that reverts to "indiginous" principles.) Mexico always was, is now, and always will be a "basket-case". We must seal the border and round up and deport all illegal aliens even if it takes 10 - 15 years.

  32. amen to the above is in the nature of the spanish language speaker to act first and think later...IMPULSE ....english speakers tend to think of the ultimate consequences before acting...i truly do love Mexico and the Mexican people ...but they are not able to govern themselves...the whole country is a stubborn argument of a mess...they cant even have a functional standardized road or sidewalk system...english speakers should run the country and especially the security services, and let the Mexican people be in charge of fun , music and entertainment...what a great country it would be ...i know i will get hate for this comment ...but even most Mexicans will admit they admire the USA for the organization and especially the security, and in their hearts they know what i say is true...Mexico is like crabs in a bucket, they all pull each other down so none can escape

  33. hoooraaayyyy!!!1 for prostitutes especially the realy cute , young mexican ones.....wish they would smuggle some of them over the border hell with drugs is better...makes having a dick worthwhile..i don't like the word penis...sounds nasty...but i would still have one , even if you wern't a ho...and oh yeah, una cosa mas ..THE CUERNO DE CHIVA IS NOT MADE IN THE USA...and at least half of the guns used by the narcos are these

  34. The comment of the raciact delusional writter that posted how english speaking people think first seems oblivious to the history of english speaking people and the american revolution, producing the greatest casualities of any war fought by english speakers on both fronts.Like all empires for the last 75 years we have been fortunate to be the most powerful nation of the world, let us hope this continues, ost empires fall because of arrogance and false pride the are invincible. I wonder if you are not a member of the Nazi party or the Arian Nation? If not your ideas resemble that mindset. Might just be familial condition. The issues in question are more about public policies by both goverments. By the way Canada primary language is French.

  35. As long as "weed" is illegal in the US you can forget any security in Mexico. While you will never be able to legalize all drugs in the US (nor should you) you have to realize the 2/3rds of all Mexican drug cartels profits combined come from the sale of "swag" and what is really mindblowing is that accounts for less than half of the domestic market. All of these other issues stem from the enormous profits that are made off of this one plant, it is untaxed and unregulated so what do you expect. As soon as American politicians become pragmatic about the nature of recreational America than we can have a real discussion. If you take a look at history we have a pretty similar example in Chicago during the 1920's. I mean really its that simple. You can't eliminate all crime, it won't happen, but you can seriously reduce it and control it by considering the fact that we as a nation like to spend a bunch of money on "that green devil"

  36. All the drug addicts are at fault it's economics 101 supply and demand the us main source of economy has been and always will be weaponry what did they do with el Salvador Honduras all these civil wars they supplied all these US weaponry just to see them kill each other all the grenades ak's and m16 are coming in part by central America and just 10%from the us you don't like our drug business then stop using the drugs u dam junkies u don't want our immigrants then get off ur asses and get to work for minimum wage they do the job that college and high school kids used to do but we youngsters need a ac office job that's what's wrong with America it's ignorance and racism put ur pitchforks and git r' dun Larry the cable guy

  37. dear 12;02

    BY THE WAY.....the primary language of Canada is ENGLISH...only in QUEBEC , is french spoken on a regular basis, but english is taught as the first language...go to Canada and see informed ..or be silent that your whole rebuttal?...NOT MUCH .

  38. gee whiz ...some more blame the USA....Larry the cable guy is a lot smarter than you ...he is a millionare...are you? ...guns don't kill people ...people kill each other, knives... ever hear of Rwanda ...800,000 + kiled with machetes sound gun controllish...mebe you should go to Mexico and visit...go to Miguel Alweman...acroos from roma TX....get a room ...stay a while ..then report back..



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