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Friday, August 20, 2010

We Will Either Find a Way for Mexico, or Make One!

This is my first substantial contribution to the Borderland Beat, so
I’m going to apologize in advance for my stage fright (and minor case
of writer’s block). Someone once told me that having an ink set
around is a good remedy, but having something to say about what’s
going on in Mexico right now is far more important than writer’s

I was watching el Noticieros Televisa (Galavision in Miami, Florida,
not sure if the channel is available in other states) last night, and
I made sure to watch it because I wanted to see what they were going
to report in reference to Mayor Edelmiro Cavazos Leal’s untimely
death, after being kidnapped and executed for allegedly refusing to be
involved with a drug cartel.

According to Buggs’ previous post, Mayor Fernandez, the mayor of San
Pedro Garza Garcia in Nuevo Leon, stated during an interview that the
deceased mayor had discussed harassment issues pertaining to organized
crime and corruption activities in Santiago. I’m going to be very
honest and say that if the mayor of my city or any city in the U.S.
were found executed near a road, you better believe that the
individual(s) responsible for such a senseless act of violence would
undoubtedly be in custody within 24 hours or less. There’s no
question that the likelihood of that happening in the U.S. is rather
low, practically unfeasible. In fact, it’s the kind of scenario that
happens in movies, not in real life.

So, who dropped the ball? Why are security issues only relevant until
someone is brutally killed? And why does the government wait until a
government official is found executed near a road in order to
articulate these issues?

Help me understand, because I don’t see how this is reality for any
country, especially not a beautiful country full of culture and
passion. Between the death toll in Juarez (which continues to rise on
a daily basis) and the countless deaths of journalists (many who
risked their lives in order to report their country’s decline),
government officials, federal and state law enforcement officers and
innumerous innocent people caught in the crossfire.

During personal correspondence with one of the contributors of the
Borderland Beat, I was very touched when he stated: “My only mission
is to provide a window to the reality of what is happening in the
country of my parents and which I love.”

He also requested that I keep Mexico in my prayers. And I do, in my
prayers and thoughts. And I often reflect on the fact that it’s going
to take an outrageous amount of faith and hard work to cultivate a
Mexico that the Mexican citizens truly deserve, and trust me, the
impossible is imperative. Standing by and watching on the sidelines
is not enough, in fact, it’s unacceptable. You have to start
somewhere and according to the news last night and an article by Jose
Gil Olmos, a writer for Proceso, there are 7 million kids without
education or work. Although I think multiple media outlets were
arguing the actual number (which is still in the millions), but the fact
that there is a number, is once again, unacceptable.

Sources: Noticieros Televisa and Proceso
Picture: From La violencia estimulada by Jorge Luis Sierra


  1. It's my favorite quote and I couldn't resist, even though I was berated and mocked for quoting Barca in a previous comment. Frankly, it's definitely the only quote that I believe makes the impossible feel seemingly possible.

    And Mexico needs that right now, it's imperative.

    Buenas noches.


  2. Welcome to BB Isabella, looking forward to reading your contributions. I have been following your posts in the comment section and I think we are going to be treated to some insightful material, can't wait!

  3. I would like to see the public join forces with the military and police for the destruction of these cartels. One way for that to happen is for the Mexican government to once again issue Letters of Marque or licenses to private companies or individuals with the idea of giving them authority to capture or kill wanted drug cartel members.

    Mexico would have to post bounties for these folks, and they would also have to set up a prize court to determine if it was a legal capture of seized assets. That way, companies and individuals could take that cartel member's assets to further add to the profitability of this type of industry.

    Allow the police and military to continue their fight, but bring in private industry and allow them to help. This will also help to take the work load off of these forces. You can go with just Mexican companies, or you can open it up to the world market and really scale this thing up.

    If you want to destroy this industry that profits from selling drugs, you need to create an equally brutal industry that profits from it's destruction. That is how you eradicate the drug cartels.

  4. Good op-ed fluff piece but I would rather read something of substance. Keep it up though...

  5. This first post was good, liked the change of pace and it added a mix, rather than just talking about a particular incident, it gave a broad sense of insight (as indicated above).

    Plenty of substance, please keep up the great work!

  6. Is this the next Mexican Revolution? The last one was ~100 years ago, entire villages were killed off by the various military forces at play, 1 million Mexicans out of a total of 16 million died in the violence. How is the last Revolution any different than what is happening in Mexico today? Both times are charactorized by staggering levels violence and murder with no resolution of the root cause, poverty. (Real poverty where you don't eat for the entire day, not American poverty.) It wasn't solved the last time, 100 years later we're at the same place.

    - What would Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California look like today if they were part of Mexico?

  7. Rico, the last revolution was started by the U.S. does this one begin the same way again?
    wise up,
    this is no more than Shock Economics.
    someone is going to profit from all of this mayhem,
    and everyone will clap.

  8. I just want to say that the picture you chose for this post made me cry. I am a proud Mexican living in the US by choice, but my family and my heart are in Mexico.

    I believe the people of Mexico need to get together and demand for something to be done; the apathy that mexicans show is incredibly frustrating. Nothing can be done if the majority just decides to say "whatever"

  9. The killing of local public officials is a clasic earmark of one stage of terrorism-guerilla insurgency. One only has to look at the historical tactics of such movements in Asia, Centrial America, and Africa to find parallels. The disturbing fact is that it is so close to the United States southern border. A future stage will raids into border areas of the United States, with the terrorists retreating to "safe havens south of the border after such an attack. The conditions south of the border necessary for such attacks already exist, and will start as soon as narco terrorist organizations believe such attacks are necessary to protect their smuggling routes in the border areas of the United States. At present the level of drug seizures on the US side of the border is just a "Cost of doing business". When this cost increases to a point where it seriously affects their profits, then intemidation and voilence will commence.

  10. Excellente Mija! I write to you post-op and am struggling though optimistic.

    I disagree, not fluff it is thoughtful & passionate.
    This is great I can send you the education info. I work in the trenches of education, the governors, first lady (heads DIF) sec of ed, federal ed chief and state ed chief, I communicate with directly and meet face to face. I will give you a clear overview, but I will repeat Education was derailed because of the cartel war, there is so little funding allocated on the state or fed level, it is tough. Kids buy their supplies and many kids can not afford to do so, they pay for transportation if they are blessed with a bus, including all mechanical maintenance. Less teachers are certified because the pay is 50-65 (USD) per week directors are pd 10 more. More to come to you directly...

    I am happy to see you reporting

    Virtual abrazos.....Buel

  11. Matt: That's sounds excellent and it would probably work, but as someone mentioned in a previous comment, the Mexican citizens are scared; they don't even discuss cartels or anything along those lines – they are scared to get involved because they fear for their safety.

    What do you think about a private company that's not made up of Mexican citizens? Your same concept, minus the local people, the local people can get involved by passing on information anonymously. Basically what some, if not all, law enforcement departments provide to the public in the U.S., they can call in with anonymous tips. You don't know where the tip is coming from, so you don't have a target.

    I really do think you're idea is excellent and anything is possible, because there are numerous options, but someone needs to make it happen, whatever they're doing right now is not working.

    Anonymous (8-20-10 at 5:19 AM):

    You're very welcome for the fluff.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "work to cultivate a
    Mexico that the Mexican citizens truly deserve"...they are getting what they deserve. Aqui en Juarez la cultura desde los mas bajos niveles hasta los mas alto tiene una actitude que no srespeta la ley ni el orden. Por ejemplo no saben ni esperar en fila en el colmado o en las tiendas osea tienen una actitude donde NO respetan a nada ni nadie y ahora estan cultivando lo que han sembrado.

  14. Abuela Chivis y todos: Gracias a ustedes por sus comentarios y por sus palabras! Y por tomarse el tiempo para discutir algo tan imortant.

    Anonymous (8-20-10 at 7:41 AM): Thank you for your kind words, I picked the picture from the following article: "La violencia estimulada" by Jorge Luis Sierra.

    F Wilson: What worries me most is the intimidation tactics, the brazen act of kidnapping the mayor from his home and executing him, it shows the general public that if they can do that to the mayor they can do that to anyone. And that's a problem.

  15. Friday, August 20, 2010

    Congratulations; you belong above the fold.
    Looking forward to continued counter point.

    A good first lesson for the children is to see that the downside of thuggery is worse than the up side, to understand that reward for thuggery is humiliation, pain and death.

    Culturally for the thugs to never be portrayed as heroes or in any way attached to a positive emotion. At Drudge the link, "Mexican museum displays 'narco bling' weaponry confiscated from drug lords...", to an article about exhibited bling how sad. This does nothing but glorify these murderers.

    The best way to put the kids to work is for there to be businesses that need them for employment. The children and the fathers having jobs is a big step to keeping families together and positive. Allowing private property and free enterprise will do that.

    "So, who dropped the ball? Why are security issues only relevant until
    someone is brutally killed? And why does the government wait until a government official is found executed near a road in order to articulate these issues?"

    This seems to be a human disposition, to allow something to fester until it becomes unbearable. How long did they tolerate Stalin or Tito? In the US it is the same only, so far, less violent.

    Maybe now the ruling class, seeing they are not immune, will ask the peoples support and put their shoulder to the job.

  16. I think in order to successfully minimize these animals and the scope of their power it will take a multi pronged attack. First, a blitzkrieg media campaign show the destruction and corrosion that these narcos are forcing on society. Secondly allocate major funding for education and social programs, including work programs. Third increase L.E.O'S salaries. And third hire private to track and hunt down these narcos and crooked officials, kill them, jail them, and if jailed no posh resort prison, and lastly institute the death penalty and enforce it. My heart is full of sorrow at the sight of what has become such a beautiful people and its country.

  17. Death for high level, well known figures. Prison for the henchmen. High level figures will run the prisons if they are locked up.

  18. I forgt to add... Abuela Chivis, if you can get me any infor regarding the issues with education, that would be AWESOME!

    No rush, of course, when ever you have a chance. In the mean time, I'm going to some research.

    Thanks a million!


    Everyone: Thank you for taking the time to express your opinions, personal experiences and information, it's greatly appreciated.


  19. I, Me, My, those words seem to come across with an opionion orientated story. We are all worried for the fate of Mexico,but your story seemed more like something that belonged in the comment section

  20. @9:59

    re: Mx Museum disply of cartel weaponry

    I could not agree more,in addition, I wish all sources of media, (US also) would be hyper-sensitive and cautious & refrain from actions that may be precieved as cartel glorification. and away from the eyes of impressional children/young people.

    My heart sank & my head exploded when Forbes reported El Chapo as one of the wealthiest people in the world. What message does that give Mx children? What I see Mx children are the essence of what maybe the greatest fallout from this "war". For no matter what/when will happen more children are dropping out of school and looking at cartel work as a feasable option. The education system was progressing and now is moving backwards for several reasons this being one. I have written of my dismay of children openingly & proudly discussing this with me, saying that is what they choose for their future.

    @BB I am so addicted to BB that yesterday when I became conscience after my surgery, while in recovery the first thing I asked for was ice chips & my Blackberry so I could check whatwas happening on BB...JeJe...request denied

  21. There are reports out that they cought the killers of the Mayor.
    they happen to be PoliZetas
    who let the NarCuleros get away, and the bodyguard is being implicated as well.

  22. yup, my sentiments exactly, I apprectiate the reporting by the BB staff but you must have more facts and less opinion. Maybe cover an actuall incident. I would love to know who kipnapped the Santiago mayor but so far specualtion even on the narco blogs have been nill.. Perhaps you can fill this niche valentina, give us your opinion on quien levanto Cavazos.

  23. Anonymous (8-20-10 at 10:47 AM):

    Hmm, I'm sorry to disappoint you, and it's unfortunate that my questions did not inspire you to generate more questions. That was my sole objective, because I like to question everything (literally everything), and fortunately for me, I live in a country where my First Amendment right is protected. Right now, Mexican citizens, including journalists, don't have that luxury.

    Again, I apologize for caring, I don't live anywhere near Mexico, in fact, I live in sunny South Florida. I could be like most girls my age, contemplating superficial things, following celebrity blogs and thinking only of myself. But, that's not who I am. I use to think that I could make a difference, even if it's a tiny difference, after attaining a certain amount of success as a defense attorney, but maybe I can do my best along the way.

    In my defense, the observations I made further support the articles that the Borderland Beat discusses on a daily basis. And for the record, I'm a criminal justice major and I also decided to wrap things up with a minor in English, thus, if there's anything I can contribute to the Borderland Beat, I'm more than willing to do so. Mexico, and Central and South America for that matter, is important to me, because of my roots and because I owe it to my mother (and my family) to do something.

  24. As an experience soldier of the US Army and having been in Iraq I can tell you that it's the people of Mexico who will have to take matters into their own hands. The government has fallen apart. Riddled with corruption and greed the cancer is all over the place. In Iraq the people started to take responsibility for themselves. They armed themselves and fought against the terrorist to clear their neighborhoods and markets.

    Yes I understand the whole issue in Iraq is not resolved and it will take time. In Mexico they at least already have something going for them. They don't have religious radicals or sectarian violence. Come on Mexico defend your self.

  25. A friend of mine said recently, you know the cartels made 30 billion dollars last year.

    I responded yes, all from the USA!

    Think about that

  26. A few things I feel would make a difference. Everybody mentions that the people need to get more involved. They need to be given the tools to safely communicate with the military. In every border town I have visited it’s obvious who the bad guys are. How are the locals expected to inform the military if there’s no easy way? What are the phone numbers, web pages to report bad activity? Another is the number of deaths needs to be clarified; the 26000 plus people killed so far are NOT victims, they are bad guys mostly. We need to quit treating that number as if victims were killed. We need and I mean in a very public and loud voice support the military. Let them know we encourage the removal of the gloves. I told a soldier in Reynosa once thanks for what he was doing and his response was “Thank you but I wish more people felt that way” Does Mexico have a USO, if not let’s start one.

  27. They'll let anyone write for Borderland Beat? This site was good journalistic information from those who are close to the horrors of Mexico. This piece really has no place amongst the stories that have appeared here previously. The truth cannot be found in the mix of Mexican media. At least here at Borderland Beat, we can get information that they do not dare report about IN Mexico. Is this site moving away from that hard, honest, reporting with substantial facts, and moving into OpEd pieces? It's s shame. Come on Borderland Beat, if you're turning into the New York Times, at least chose OpEd pieces from people who actually have something worthwhile to say about the state of affairs in Mexico.

  28. @11:06
    Correct! 6 policia arrested INCLUDING Edelmiro's body guard. I knew the bastard was involved, he was not killed only left "with bruises". See folks, those of you that spout the people must call authorities to report criminal actions, you do not comprehend that the very agencies that are to protect are very corrupt, calling is playing Russian roulete

    @Valentia: I don't know who let the haters out but ignore it, obviously not taught manners and quick to judge. Opinion pieces are good for the mix as long as it is factual, intellectual, & provocative. It bears dialog and thought compelling readers who care to research harder, at least it does me.

    Cmon folks...give her a break she is passionate student..she will bring good stuff to the table, you know if all you want is the blood & gore YOU scare the shit out of me...and remember you have choice to read what you want.

  29. Sorry I do not think I made it clear it was POLICE OFFICERS they arrested and the body guard, they have confessed to kidnapping and killing Edelmiro

  30. Of course, since the relevant issues about the lack of security, education and general resources in Mexico are not meaningful? Right?

    By the way I'm taking the NY Times jab as a compliment. Thank you!

  31. Don't take it as a compliment because it's not.

    Abuela: please don't take me wrong, dialogue is important, but it's the type of dialogue that is everything. I live along the border. I DEAL with these issues everyday because I have a job that ties me directly to the border. I will say no more about that. But let me say this, the thing that makes me so upset, is the talking heads and people who throw out tid bits of wisdom about the situation down here. How can they when they have NEVER been down here. They fully grasp the problem? The pundits and bureaucrats in Washington have NO clue. People on the east coast have NO clue. Don't try to pass as some expert just because you have latin blood or spend a lot of time reading online. Abuela you may be from this area or Mexico itself. The author of the above piece is not.

    Valentina, live in El Paso for a year or Calexico (we already know how you feel about Arizona). Come visit it in person. Feel the corruptness on both sides of the fence. Talk with the innocents in Mexico. Feel their pain. Feel the pain on the US side too. Write about these things, then I will respect what you have to say on this issue.

    We need solutions, not talking heads! Lives are lost, children are suffering, and governments do nothing! It's a travesty of the greatest proportions. And believe me, I weep over the pain at the border. I have to experience it all to often. I, unfortunately, have not become hardened by it all. If I were hard, then maybe I wouldn't care, or give a damn. I could sleep well at night, enjoy my dinner, read the writings like those above and just not give a shit. Children would starve, die from curable diseases, women would get beat and raped and tortured, they find more heads in a duffle bag, and all I'd care about is what I'm going to have for lunch. But, damn it, my heart is not hard yet. I do care!!

  32. Regarding those arrested:

  33. I see, you're upset because of what I previously stated regarding Arizona and SB1070. I feel very strongly against what Governor Brewer and other state government officials are doing in AZ.

    Essentially, they are using and manipulating the media to warrant discriminatory criminal procedures against Latinos who may or may not be migrants. I feel very passionate about that and I stand my ground.

    I cherish my rights and I'll be damned if anyone is going to deliberately violate them.

    The one statement, out of a couple, that I believe you have a valid point is with regard to the corruption in Mexico.

    As for the border states that are interested in following in Arizona's footsteps, I hope they find another way of addressing their issues with immigration.

    For the record, I never stated I was expert, but I do have very strong views and opinions, and unlike everyone else I express them and I stand my ground.

  34. @4:02
    I now understand and feel your frustration..
    Yes, I have been on Mx side of border for 6 years. and I am pissed, I am pissed at the narcos and even more so at the corrupt politicos, because they are in a position of trust, fiduciary duty. I work with them, eat with them, smile and laugh at their stupid jokes for one kids in Mx. I always say I would eat caca if it was a betterment for my kids, sometimes I have to make nice with the very people who are doing things I hate. why do I pay for medical intervention for kids with cancer, HIV & other conditions ?..why is it I build special ed classrooms for kids? Why is it I build kitchens so that poor children can be sharp & attentive in class instead of feeling the effects of hunger? Why is it that I buy school buses so that children can attend school that live on the ranches outside the city. Why is it that teachers are not trained in special ed so I bring in professionals from spain to give courses to 100+ directors on the condition they go back & teacher their staff skills that provide possibilities & hope? Why is it that the gov is hiring less certified teachers, could it be that they only pay 50 -65 per week? WHy is it that the gov does not build enough school so all children would have an opportunity for a better future than that of their parents? Why is it that the recent flooding destroyed thousands of homes and my foundation was on ground zero 2 days before the government giving supplies and food ? I could make a list of whys several pages long, but the answer is the same, when the government does something for poor people it is for show, the photo-op for the votes, no mas, because poor people are "those people" in Mx, they don't figure in the agenda of the government. and that sucks badly. I paid for the surgery and treatment of a little guy who had a large tumor on his pituitary gland. This child was of the poorest class, dirt floors, no plumbing ETC. he was going blind and the pain was so horrific that he would bang his head on the walls in frustration. The government said there was nothing that could be done,,,,translated: we are not doing anything, not even giving him medicine to help the pain. My fuck you to the government was to place him in the best private hospital in Monterrey where he had surgery and today he is well and his sight returned, even the neurosurgeon was surprised at that. It was not cheap, but how dare the gov put a "clearance tag" on the life of this child? see pt 2

  35. Pt 2 (hope I copied/paste correctly) They simply do not care about the poor, and they are so corrupt, that if they go in with good intentions most of them step to the dark side. and when I mingle with them I am going nuts inside.
    Sorry I went so long I could talk about this all day because I am so passionate about it all. Mx has beautiful, loving caring people but they have acclimated to submissiveness. They have not had confidence to feel they have any power. and I understand where you are coming from, but don't you see the benefit in a person who is not apart Mx becoming passionate about what is happening there? That perhaps she can express in a different format an Op on events and research? One size does not fit all, wouldn't it be wonderful if she could capture the interest of people in the US to care as she does? That is my point, give her some slack she honestly cares, ok? I think it is a good thing, just keep an open mind.

    I am in total disagreement with Valentina on Az. I have family in Phoenix, Gilbert and Tucson. I have a birdseye view. What they want is the government to do their job and adhere to the laws on the books. Obama failed miserably by spending money to fight against Az, he should have pledged to simply do the job that is the objective of Az.

  36. It is not only people coming for work.
    These years it is too much rif raf, thieves, drunks, drugs, and worse.

    Maybe if they wore name tags like

    and the next wear a tag

  37. One story i want to read is, how the drugs get here to the States.
    there is no way tons of merchandice get here on the backs of mules.
    it is too slow of commerce to walk it here.

  38. I guess the hard core traditional BB reader will not be open to fresh ideas, this site is about cartel in Mexico and the impact in Mexico and the US. So I think Velentina is spot on!

    Nice to read a fresh mix of items in BB, more power to you and just so you know, I, a loyal reader of BB, welcomes it. Valentina, please keep writing!!!!

    BB rocks!!!!

  39. Valentina Isabella said..
    What do you think about a private company that's not made up of Mexican citizens? Your same concept, minus the local people, the local people can get involved by passing on information anonymously. Basically what some, if not all, law enforcement departments provide to the public in the U.S., they can call in with anonymous tips. You don't know where the tip is coming from, so you don't have a target.

    Let me explain the position I am coming from. I am a security contractor and I have been working in war zones for several years now. I also track my industry via a blog called Feral Jundi. There are thousands of men just like me, with lots of experience in the military, police, etc., who also contract their services. I have worked with men from all over the world, and they are all willing and capable of doing this kind of work. There is plenty of manpower available out there, and all it takes is for Mexico to create a machine that allows these men to come in and do what they do best.
    But in order to get these men in Mexico, and have them participate in the eradication of the drug cartels, they need legal authority, weapons and money. Because in order to attract this industry from the main war effort, they will need incentive. It is the basic economics of force.
    With the concept that I am talking about, the government of Mexico would be well served if they were able to create a legal mechanism for these types of men to go after the cartels.
    Because with that legal mechanism, Mexico would also be creating an industry of taking what the cartels own. That is pretty cost effective warfare if you ask me. Someone mentioned the cartels made 30 billion dollars last year? How much have they accumulated over the years? How asset rich are they now, with their boats and cars and guns? My guess is they are worth a bunch. Well, if you create an industry that is fueled by taking the cartel's assets via a legal mechanism or license called the Letter of Marque, then now we have created a machine.
    This industry would also evolve quickly and would reward those companies and individuals who were the best at capturing or killing cartel members. For the really rich cartel members, companies would definitely have the upper hand. Imagine a company like Xe going up against the Los Zetas? Xe is filled with special operations veterans, who hunted terrorists for a living in the military. If Xe was given a license to hunt cartel members, and were allowed to keep any seized assets, they could keep that business vehicle going until there were no more Zetas left.
    The money for fueling this industry, would come from the prey called the cartels. So this would be cost effective for Mexico. Mexico could also take ten percent or so of the seized assets through a prize court system, and take that money and put it into a bounty system for cartel members. The early privateers used a similar prize court to determine these things, and a modern version would be similar in nature.
    The companies and individuals that participate, would also need legal protections. That would take the government lawyers and private lawyers sitting down and going over the requirements. Companies will also want to interrogate captured cartel members, and use that information to capture other cartel folks(which equates to more profit) If they kill a cartel member, those companies need protections from prosecution by family members of that cartel member or even from the public. War is dirty business, and in order to destroy these animals, this industry will need protections.
    Lots of particulars have to be hashed out, but nothing is impossible. The Letter of Marque is the legal mechanism that a government could use to get this done. Those are my thoughts on the matter and I pray for Mexico.

  40. @Matt...thanks for the thoughtful post, more and more people are suggesting something similar.

    As you probably know we have over 200 forfeiture laws and they can be abused, but the real problem in Mx is the cartels do not leave big money in Mx or in the US they "invest" largely in overseas coutries with questionable oversight making it it easy for money laundering and investment, and no information sharing treaties with Mx

    Police stopped 49-year-old Ethel Hylton at Houston's Hobby Airport and told her she was under arrest because a drug dog had scratched at her luggage. Agents searched her bags and strip-searched her, but they found no drugs. They did find $39,110 in cash, money she had received from an insurance settlement and her life savings; accumulated through over 20 years of work as a hotel housekeeper and hospital janitor. Ethel Hylton completely documented where she got the money and was never charged with a crime. But the police kept her money anyway. Nearly four years later, she is still trying to get her money back.


  41. Thank you Matt, the Mexican government should heed your advice. If they truly do want to bring an end to the violence.

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

  42. Matt!I think you love to much RAMBO!Think just the word POVERTY,and i hope you will think differently?

  43. But i know Matt,you just want to do big money,because security contractors is big money,it`s the same shi!

  44. abuela chivis said...

    @Matt...thanks for the thoughtful post, more and more people are suggesting something similar.

    As you probably know we have over 200 forfeiture laws and they can be abused, but the real problem in Mx is the cartels do not leave big money in Mx or in the US they "invest" largely in overseas coutries with questionable oversight making it it easy for money laundering and investment, and no information sharing treaties with Mx
    Where there is a will, there is a way. Drastic times requires drastic measures. Laws and political will need to reflect the urgency of the situation as well. In other words, it is time to take the gloves off and do what is necessary.

    I brought up the concept of cyber privateering on my blog awhile back. The government could issue licenses for legalizing online piracy and hacking against cartel members. This would be geared towards hackers from around the world and their targets would be the cartels. These hackers would find information on cartel computers or wherever, or locate any assets via online and basically steal them for Mexico.

    Of course this would be brought to a prize court as well to determine if it was a legal hack, in accordance of the Letter of Marque. Life would be very inconvenient for cartels when it comes to computerized transactions. Hell, hackers could also insert viruses on computers, or intercept messages. There are lots of little things that these guys could do for Mexico, but they would need legal authority and protections. That's all.

    The only reason why I keep mentioning the Letter of Marque, is because at one point in time Mexico used to issue these to privateers. This was common practice throughout the world in the past, and it is only recently in the history of man, that we stopped the practice. The Declaration of Paris is the treaty. I think modern times requires this old tool of warfare to be re-evaluated and used once again.

    What is interesting is the the US Constitution still has the Letter of Marque concept in it. Check out Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11.

  45. Matt,

    Just because Letters of Marque have been used in the past or written in the Constitution does not mean there is any place for them in modern civil society. There is not a single country in the world that has permitted privateering in the last several lifetimes.

    I also worry about the kind of person it would take to kill for money. I think I would rather take my chances with the criminals. That kind of person would not be right in the head. It's one thing to have a cause, but for pay? I don't think so.

    Or the people who blame Obama or Calderon. These problems existed long before Obama or FCH ever were in office. It is the people of Mexico who are to blame. We allowed this to fester for decades.

    Aided by our corrupt politicos and military and police, the cartels were sold their plazas by the government for pay. And we all said we don't care as long as it doesn't affect me or my family. So they grew more powerful and we now have a huge problem on our hands.

    We need to ask the UN to send in some troops as we clean house from the top down. Actually prosecute some of these people and have penalties that aren't a joke.

    Maybe we need to employ some of the tactics the cartels use. Arrest their families, their wives, children, brothers, parents. They have all benefited from crime. Maybe we can't find el Chapo, but we know where his family are. Strike them where it hurts.

    Politicians and police and military. If you are found to have benefited from the cartels, there will be a heavy punishment for breaking the public trust.

    It's time for the Mexican people to say "no more". Instead of burying our heads in the sand, we need to demand better from our public institutions.

  46. yes i agree it is time for the citizens of United States of Mexico and the United States of America to stop allowing their exploitation by the cartels, the governments of Mexico, USA, and the wealthy elite of both countries. "mat" private security forces are Easily corrupted or misled by politicians or elite individuals for their personal agenda, remember "De Opresso Liber" not make the rich richer


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