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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Letter and Photo of Diego Fernández Revealed

A letter that supposedly came from Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, and a new picture, were released through the social network Twitter.

Journalist José Cárdenas, reporter of El Universal, revealed content of the letter via Twitter that he received by email and that was supposedly sent by kidnapper of the Panista (PAN political party).

The document is addressed to the eldest son of the former senator and asked him to make a serious counteroffer to the sum sought by the kidnappers so that he can be set free. He recommends Diego's son to act "as quickly as possible", since "I cannot describe the hell I live and I do not know how much more I can sustain."

Diego Fernandez de Cevallos was kidnapped on May 14 when he arrived at his ranch, located in the municipality of Pedro Escobedo in the state of Queretaro.

 The news was of the kidnapping was first announced on May 15, but the abduction actually occurred the night before. His truck was found abandoned on the outskirts of his estate. According to the night watchman of the farm he heard when the van arrived but did not notice anything alse.

José Cárdenas just recently reported in his column "Ventana," a publication published by El Universal, that Diego Fernandez de Cevallos is alive, that Lozano Gracia is leading in the negotiations, and that the family is attempting to sell real estate, cars and furniture of the Chief to collect the 30 million dollars in ransom.

He also revealed that the kidnappers are a militant guerrilla group based in the Bajio area for 20 years who depend on the ERPI, which is the "TDR-EP" (Tendencia Democrática Revolucionaria-Ejército del Pueblo) group that is headed by Constantino Alejandro Canseco Ruiz, alias "El Comandante José Arturo" or "Hugo," and his partner Blanca Estela, aka "La Porta" or "Frida."


  1. The latest rumors were that this guy was kidnapped in exchange for Nacho Colonel and a reduced sentence for El Mayito. I don't know how a kidnapped politician in Mexico can influence the sentence of a Federal court in the US, but whatever. I guess if his kidnappers weren't cartel related, then there is no truth to that rumor.

  2. eso les pasa por ratas ojala ke levanten a todos los politicos

  3. I second that anon 12:39

  4. Lero, lero candelero por politico y ratero que se lo frian como un perro!

  5. Es enserio bola de estupidos ignorantes! es por eso que Mexico esta lleno de este tipo de violencia y nunca se van a mejorar bola de ignorantes! La verdad no les deseo lo mismo, por que yo pase por eso y creanme que no es nada agradable.Pero en fin, jovenes de ahora que creen que todo es "cool" y asombrado por las idioteces de criminales y narcotraficantes, seguiran igual de amolados!


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