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Friday, May 28, 2010

Piedras Negras in the Grip of Fear

Weapons seized by the military in Piedras Negras 5/27/2010

The day after a confrontation between gunmen and the military left 1 soldier dead and another in serious condition, the streets of Piedras Negras are filled with anxiety and dread. The streets are quiet with little traffic or pedestrians as many citizens chose to stay in their homes. People who must move about are doing so with a heightened sense of awareness.

The appreciation for the Wednesday’s blow against organized crime by the army is still apparent but people are aware that the next confrontation may be much bigger and bloodier. The cartels never surrender a lucrative plaza.

The people here have always being known for their gregarious, proud nature and their very fine cooking, especially the local “carne asada”. It is a city of dancers and singers.

Now it has become a city of rumors and fears. The fears may be well founded. Citizens are saying that the Zetas or whatever other cartel runs this plaza is waiting in the shadows, ready for revenge against the military and the people.

The most terrifying rumor is the one about the children in the schools being a target for reprisals by drug cartel gunmen. This is now a sickening reality as recent events in Tamaulipas show.

Many people here used to say that what happens in other parts of Mexico doesn’t touch Piedras Negras. For the last couple of years or so this has no longer been the case.

Recent investigations by the intelligence branches of the Mexican government have revealed that the drug trafficking corridor into the U.S that goes through Piedras Negras has been growing in importance, and volume, as drug cartel operations in other areas of the border are disrupted by the military and federal police forces

Recent changes in the military garrison located in the city reflect this thinking.

Since the beginning of this week there has been a change in command at the garrison and special operations units have arrived. They have been tasked with locating and eliminating bands of drug traffickers that are primarily made up Zetas. It only took a couple of days for these units to begin their work

Official Dept. of National Defense (SEDENA) press release


• Three heavily armed suspects were arrested.

• Unfortunately, a soldier was killed.

Lomas de Sotelo, D.F. on May 27, 2010, The National Defense Secretariat reported that on the 26 of May units currently assigned to the military garrison located in the city of Piedras Negras, Coah., were carrying out a reconnaissance survey in the neighborhoods susceptible to flooding by recent rains in the city when the came under attack with firearms by three men who were traveling aboard a vehicle.

Military personnel proceeded to repel the aggression and arrest the perpetrators. 10 rifles, three handguns, 43 magazines for different types of weapons, 432 cartridges of different calibers, five bulletproof vests, two vehicles communication and miscellaneous equipment were secured.

Unfortunately, in repelling the cowardly attack, one element of this Army unit was killed, and another was wounded.

The detainees, weapons, vehicles and miscellaneous equipment were made available to the relevant authorities.

Images from the scene of the confrontation released by SEDENA.

3 injured gunmen lay on the ground under guard.


  1. Its music to my ears to hear that the public in Piedras is supportave of law enforcement this is something to be proud of. It is important to distroy the ignorant shortsighted idea that Drug smugglers need to be tolerated part of Mexican Society.

  2. Arriva al ejercito mexicano y ala marina k los tienen bien puestos,pos son mexicanos, damm police no hace nada, pos ayuda alos zetas, calderon might be critizied but he is doing all he can,the othere cartels say that they are only involved in drugs and will leave us pulgeros and eloteros alone, but that is a lie, al CDG ya se les a encontrado inocentes secuestrados y tambien cobrando piso alos puestesitos y alos de la familia michoacana tambien ke golpean alos pobres que no pueden pagar, ala gente del chapo sertan sanginarios,pero entre ellos,nunca se a sabido que maten o secuestren inocentes,ellos nomas sus bussiness, ahi que seguir apoyando al ejercito,la marina y al chapito

  3. Even if we have to help the armed forces refill their empty cartridges with bullets,we will stop at nothing to rid of this turds called Los Zetas. Piedras Negras will not be their haven.

  4. I live in Eagle Pass and the newspaper their are afraid to say anything. We need all the help possible for these cowards.My family lives in Piedras Negras and they have fear, which shouldn;t be like that.

  5. Piedras Negras is one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico. When I read about this violence I am sickened at heart. Stay strong.

  6. I will just provide you'll a clear message of a peace making idea...Legalize Marihuana then maybe you'll will have total peace...but if they presist enforcing that nonsense law, well you'll shall have more horrible events like such...this is just the order to stop this ugly matter, then plead to your government to legalize weed. Simple as that!

  7. lol you think that the cartels will put on jackets and ties and go to work 9:00 to 5:00?
    They are criminals and they love the adrenalin rush of a life of crime. You cant go from deflating a mans lungs so he won't be able to scream while his head is being cut off with a pocket knife and then switch to sitting behind a desk pushing a pencil.
    The cartels are a cancer that needs radical surgery to be removed once and for all.
    do not think that all of us are just wringing our hands and saying "oh my what a terrible thing" counter groups have formed and more are forming. weapons and ammo are bought and being bought. stop being a coward and prepare yourselves to cut out this cancer.

  8. vamos a unirnos todos, tenenmos que unirnos contra los pinche zetauches, tenemos que hacer algo antes de que sea muy tarde o nos desaparescan tambien a nosotros, ya ahi muchos muertos por ninguna razon, tan pronto tengan chansa de agarar a una, matenlo, pero pronto pa k no lo busquen, tenemos que acabar con ellos, mexico se esta muriendo

  9. son jaladas lo q ase esta jente?


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