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Friday, April 23, 2010

"The Sad Reality Of Los Zetas"

Today a new video surfaced, video titled "La Triste Realidad de Los Zetas", or The Sad Reality of the Zetas. In the video, you can see 4 captive people wearing black shirts with a bold Z on it. Behind the captive "Zetas", we can observe 3 people wearing masks and a fourth one out of camera view who is conducting the interrogation.

The video is a big improvement from the other ones. In it, the person conducting the interrogation makes sure that we, the viewers, can clearly hear everything. Although this video is extremely suspicious, I'll debate that once you guys read the dialogue.

I got a lot of positive feedback on the videos, so after I post this, tomorrow I'll work on older videos for you guys, so you can perhaps get a better idea on what's happening.. Anyways, translated by yours truly, RiseMakaveli.. Here it is...

"What group do you belong to"

Everybody Answers
"To the Zetas"


Everybody Answers

"Hold on, you answer. You are their boss right?"

Captive 2

"You answer"
"What group do you belong to?"

Captive 2
"To The Zetas"


Captive 2

"Who are your Majors?" ( I found it unusual that the interrogator asked him, Who are your Majors, when in all the videos released the question always is, Who is your Major, not Majors)

Captive 2
"Major 40 Pepito and 27 Tigrito and.."

"Wait, wait, slower.. Who"

Captive 2
"Major 40, The 27, Pepito and the.. Charolas and Bebe"

"The Bebe?"

Captive 2

"Where are this people located"

Captive 2
"In Camargo, in Miguel Aleman and Tomales" (The Zeta clearly states tomales, throughout most of the video you can kind of tell that this person is either under the influence of something, or was somehow impaired)

"In Camargo, In Miguel Aleman and in Comales. And in Guerrero?"

Captive 2


Captive 2
"In Guerrero and A*** (I am a Mexican, and was raised with the language, but still I could not make out what he said)

"In Mier also? (I'm not sure what this specific word was again, so if you guys want to correct me, I would appreciate it, feel free)

"What is your Mission"

Captive 2
"To kill the people from the Gulf"

"To kill those from the Gulf"

Captive 2

"And why?"

Captive 2
"Because we want to exterminate everyone from the Gulf, and the Cartel" (In this part of the video, you can clearly tell that it had been rehearsed, because unlike other videos the answer was not natural. You can tell when a person has been instructed what to answer, and certain parts of their speech change when actually freely answering as oppose to when they know what to say)

"You want to kill all of those from the Gulf and the Cartel.. Oh.. And why did you let yourself get caught?"

Captive 2
"Because we went against the military and they where well armed"

"They where very well armed.."

Captive 2

"And was there a lot of them, or not?"

Captive 2
"Yes, there was a lot of them"

"So they where a lot" (All throughout the video, the person repeats everything that the Zetas answer, as if he wanted to make sure that we can hear their reply. You can tell it was staged, there's no question in my mind about this. The whole video is very badly directed and I can tell that their only goal was to make them look bad. Now I'm not saying that they really didn't do all of that, but I can tell it was all staged)

Captive 2

"And you guys where afraid.."

Captive 2

"Well I thought Zetas where supposed to be all so brave!" (Sarcasm)
"Aren't you always taking yourself to be so brave?"

Captive 2
"No sir"

"That fagot Lazcano and.. 40, aren't they always saying they're so brave. Why do they send you to fight, why aren't they fighting?"

Captive 2
"Because they are afraid they'll get killed"

"Oh, yeah???"

Captive 2

"How many families have you killed.."

Captive 2
"A lot, a lot of them. We kill them, we kill them then we burn them."

"You burn them? Why do you burn them?"

"Because Major 40 gives us those orders"

"Your Major40 tells you to burn people?" (Again the question sounds so sarcastic)

Captive 2
"Well we take the captives to them, then they burn them"

"They burn them..."

Captive 2
"Yes they kill them with a mallet."

"They kill them with what?!!?"

Captive 2
"With a mallet."

"The Women, do you kill them to?"

Captive 2
"Yes we rape them, we rape them because they don't let us go home because they haven't paid us" (Here in this exact line, the Zeta replies to the question in such a manner.. Almost as if he was rushing. It's the reaction typical of someone who has been instructed on what to say. It's like he memorized what to say, but didn't say it correctly. It makes no sense.. I mean, putting those three things together makes no sense at all. We rape them because they don't let us go home because they haven't paid us. They where probably instructed to give out this answers, but not all at the same time. Well, we can't all be good actors..)

"You rape them?"

Captive 2


Captive 2
"Because they don't let us.. they don't let us..

"Speak Louder!!"

Captive 2
"Because they don't let us go home, because they haven't paid us."

"They don't pay you?"

Captive 2

"For how long have they not paid you?"

Captive 2
"Three Months"

"Three months with no pay and they have you fighting!"

Captive 2

"Oh.. And who recruited you over there in your land"

Captive 2
"Uhmm.. Major Compita."

"Major Compita?

Captive 2

"And they send you over under who? Major40?"

Captive 2
"With Major40.. No, with Major Zapatta.. In Saltillo." (At first he confirms it, as in saying, Yes Major 40, without a thought.. Then he clearly clarifies, no Major Zapatta)

"And what is it you do there, why do you steal from the town people"

Captive 2
"Because they don't give us money for food"

"And what do you do there, to get money"

Captive 2
"No, we only take their food" (I think this was one of the only answers where he sounded sincere)

"You take their food?"

Captive 2

"And the little money they have, do you take it or leave it for them?"

Captive 2
"No, they take it from us" (He clearly states, no they take it FROM US, I don't know, call me paranoid, but all of this seems so staged. Again, I don't imply to say that they don't do it, or that the video is a fake.. But it all seems so staged up)

"You take it"

Captive 2

"Well that there are The Zetas, to start off with they don't pay and they kill Women and Children. You think that's good? That piece of shit group.

Captive 2

Well.. There you have it guys.. It took me a long time because of what they said.. The way they said it.. It just sounded so fake. A couple of things to point out. The people in the background look to be military, the weapons they carry, Military.

The way that you hear the radio in the background, I've heard the way some of this guys communicate and this, it just sounded to "Clean". Something else, the Zeta said that they got captured because they got into it with the military and they where very well armed.

When I told Buggs I was going to be covering this story, he told me that they had also send the video to him, and that they told him that this people where captured by the Military in Tamaulipas. If they where taken in by the military, what are they doing appearing in this video? CDG? Mata Zetas?

They all turn out to be the same organization, just different aliases. Well guys, I guess it's up to you to speculate. At the end of the day, all we do is communicate, and I know that I like to post my "ideas", but that's all they are, ideas.

I appreciate debate and speculation guys, I feed on criticism and opinions, and hope you all liked the coverage.


Straight from the lips of a Zeta. The man mentioned in this video as the person who is responsible for recruiting the Zeta who is being interrogated, Major Compita, is on the Zeta hit list. According to my source, this person borrowed 5 million dollars from "The Company" and is now being hunted down. I was told that they just recently killed his brother, and he is supposed to be hiding somewhere in Matamoros.


  1. Did you here any background noises, like a cell phone tone? Or did you notice editing, like the recording being turned off and on?

  2. Mier is a border city in Mexico

  3. My question is, "who are the captors?". My guess is that it's an opposing cartel member (to the Zetas) interrogating members of no real cartel at all. They clearly are not as fearful as they are angry that they can do nothing about the fact that they are being forced to say thing that they themselves don't believe.

  4. A couple of observations. The weapons are definitely exclusive Mexican military types. Although I heard some of the criminal organizations have been able to get a hold of some of these weapons during confrontations with the military. The helmets don't seem to fit right on some of them and the helmets look like they are police ballistic helmets.

    They are holding the weapons like they know them well.

    It also looks like the presumed Zetas are traumatized and in shock. Probably because they were either tortured or they know they are going to be executed, probably both.

    I am also certain they confessed to many of these things already previously during their interrogation off camera, and they were probably told to repeat what they had said off camera under total different circumstances (threats, torture etc, , , ). So perhaps it was not really rehearsed, but were told to repeat certain items on camera, and for obvious reasons they are under heavy stress and are not thinking clearly. Think about how you would feel if you knew you were going to be executed, the fear is real and overpowering.

    It was interesting to hear about violating captive women before they executed them (I assume that is what he is talking about). In Juarez there was evidence that the sicarois use to abduct women to violate in celebration of successful operations and then they would execute them. I always wonder how many of the hundred women killed in Juarez died in this manner.

    I think the alleged Zetas are the real thing because they are providing a lot detail but it appears the video was meant to provide the viewer a specific point of view, while trying to have total control of the interview, which is the whole purpose of the video.

  5. I totally agree with you Buggs, about the weapons. My contact in Tampico told me that the CDG had somehow obtained US Military weapons. The weapon posture could of been staged easily but the thing that stands out the most to me is their index finger. The way they keep their finger off the trigger but ready in a ready position. In alot of the videos the guys just stand there pointing their guns at the captives, but this guys don't. They are calmly in the background staying vigilant.
    And yes Buggs, they did mean rape.. I guess I didn't express myself correctly, but that's what I meant when I said staged, like not that it's all lies, but you can clearly tell they had done it a thousand times and where having a hard time remembering what they where supposed to say. On some documentary I saw some time ago it showed how the police in Juarez would capture women, to give them to the organized crime as presents. This was proven when it happened to a US Citizen, a student who had gone to Juarez with her friend to party, but never came back. Later they found the car of the teen in the lot of a politician I believe.

  6. This is fake. It's very unlikely that the Mexican Army uploaded videos to Youtube.

  7. This is fake. It's very unlikely that the Mexican Army uploaded videos to Youtube.

  8. No offense but some of your translation or interpretation is off.

    First of all the captives are high on cocaine, I can tell by the sniffles, slurred speech due to a numb mouth, constant licking of the lips, heavy breathing, and sweating.

    Second, you mention Mier! Cuidad Mier Tamaulipas is a small town along the road from Miguel Aleman to Monterrey. The Zetas began in these towns, such as Reynosa, Matamoros, Miguel Aleman, etc. etc. so it's logical they are still there. Supposedly they have a large ranch in Miguel Aleman where they train!

    I traveled through those towns about 2 years ago, ever since then it has been a ghost town in those areas. I will never go that route again.

    Also this is not military, it is either another cartel or the group known as MataZetas.

  9. Well if you point out what mistakes I made, I will glady correct them. I do notice the lip movements you talk about, you're right on that. On the Mier subject, I clearly stated that I could not understand what they said, and was not sure if that's what they said.. I'm pretty sure they did say Mier though, and I know where the Zetas originated. The MataZetas are not an individual group, it's just a branch of an organization. Sort of Zetas/La Maña/La Compañia. It's an alias to hide who they realy are, so that people take them as righteous heros.. Sort of how Los Zetas used La Maña.
    If people really knew that Los Mata Zetas where the CDG, it would make no difference, but because some people are still speculating who they really are, some even going as far as to say that they are Citizens at Arms. All doubts help build up the hype, and followers.

  10. Thanks and I didn't mean to offend you in any way shape or form. Please don't take it the wrong way.

    I have never heard of los MataZetas being linked to any cartels. The only rumor that I am aware of is that they are citizens who took up arms, sometime after the murder of Valentin Elizalde.
    Nobody really knows who or what they are, I doubt they are CDG because they were in existence when the CDG and Zetas were still united.

    Who knows?


  12. Good job makavelli Ive always wanted these videos translated and whether you are completely accurate or not is besides the point fact is your the only one doing it so kudos man keep doing what your doing

  13. These could very likely be ''pistoleros'' of the Sinaloa Cartel. They are always well armed and receive training directly from former soldiers.

    By the way, why are Americans so dumb? When have you seen a Mexican soldier carrying an AK-47? Do some research before making stupid comments. You guys don't want to accept the fact that at least 80% of the firearms came from the US.

  14. Why would the captors make special "Z" T-shirts for the "stars" of this pre-execution video? I seriously doubt the Zetas made them. The guy on the right looks familar, he remimds me of another guy on another one of these videos maybe.

  15. @ first anonymous, no man I didn't get offended at all, I thrive from criticism. If anything thanks for reading it.

    About the being inaccurate, my primary language is spanish, i'm pretty sure i'm as accurate as I can be, haha. Perhaps you thought I was being inaccurate because some words in spanish, when translated into english don't mean the same thing. That could be the only reason why I could understand you saying I was inaccurate.

    @ person before my comment..
    That was my mistake, I received this video at 10pm and I sat there rewinding the video over and over until I got down everything they said. Finally finished it at around 1:20am Central Time and published it rushing so that you guys could get the news as soon as I got it. But please, please stop being an ignorant F#^$ Mexican, and I can say that without the least racial judgement because I'm a Mexican American. You say it as if all the white race denies that weapons are imported from the US into Mexico.. Everyone knows that, nobody denies it. But 80%? What are you living in a cartoon?

  16. You are preaching to the choir, we have covered the issue extensively and know it well enough:

    Unless you were actually there witnessing the interrogation, we are all speculating. But we do see some signs that give a little hint, like the trigger fingers straight, military or police training????

  17. whether they are high on coke or not...they all look like they know death is but a few moments away.

    such a shame that this whole thing is one big meat grinder (run by greed) with the gulity and the innocent all being tossed into it

    oh yeah..and not all of us americans are so dumb. but alot of us are ignorant, but that's why we got the BB to shed light on the matter. Thanks guys for your efforts.

  18. About 55% of guns smuggled from U.S. are assault rifles. Mexican officials only submitted 32% of the guns they seized to the ATF for tracing, and less than half of those weapons had serial numbers. Overall, 83% of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced.

    But most get caught up in the gun issue, specially the origins, but I don't think that is too relevant, because as long as there is drug money in Mexico, the cartels will always find a way to get guns.

  19. Well,

    first of all, those four guys, seem to be tortured. you can tell by how they look and the leader voice. the letter z on their shirt seem to me like it was made out of grey tape. they look really afraid.

    Second, you can hear a short wave radio in the background, so it lead me to believe that the soldiers are real mexican army. risemakaveli,

    great blog!

  20. The main stream media in Mexico is starting to pick up on the story of the video, they say it's the Cartel del Golfo (CDG) who is responsible, and it happened in Tampico.

  21. The big difference between anonymous blogs and the media is that we don't lean towards any of this trash groups. Yeah the Z on their shirt seem to be made from "Tape Canela". It's been used in other videos. The comment about why would they make those shirts.. This whole video is dedicated towards humiliation. As I reported on this video last night, perhaps I was irresponsible on trying to rush the news to you guys but after it was pointed out by an individual here, this guys are definitely high. You can see how they are all moving around anxiously and licking their lips.

    To Kevin, thanks but this blog belongs to Buggs, I merely have the privilege to be a part of it. But for all the daily readers, thank you and we appreciate your loyalty, you are the reason we try to be as descriptive and accurate on stories.


  22. -Maka this blog doesn't belong to me, it belongs to us, you, and your readers!

  23. **Update**

    Word on the street, straight from a Zeta, Major or Comandante Compita who is mentioned in this video, is on the run. Story is that this man, "Major Compita" borrowed 5 million dollars from the company and did not pay it back. According to my source, they just recently killed his brother and this man is supposed to be hiding somewhere in Matamoros. Now that is the story which came from a Zeta, but who knows.. Maybe that's what they where told but perhaps this has something to do with this ordeal here.. Who knows, it's all one major big lie.

  24. el 27 es juan pedro saldivar e opera en guerrero

  25. Gracias por tu contribucion amigo, si quieres platicar sobre algo contactame.

  26. its like a small civil war right now all the border towns are hot convoys of 30 trucks escorted by local police???!!! the army its bitch slapping all the dirty cops that work for the zetas about 80% are dirty mexican marines are kicking ass but i dont know were all these mothrfuckers come from??!!! dead every day shit and still they say there some hideouts that have around 100 malitos hiding not just one , road from mcallen thru reynosa to monterrey at night shit vaya con dios..hombre malitos need transportation so bye bye to your car if youre lucky.give it 2 more weeks of this sarajevo type of shit cover youre ass balls and pray

  27. Everything will get better.. Perhaps naive, but I like to think that people are more than this.

  28. It really breaks my heart to see that part of the border is such horrible condition. I grew up in McAllen, and spent alot of time in Reynosa, Matamoros, and All of the little towns.
    Now, I go home to visit, and am told by my family down there, don't even think about going over there. I want to thank all for this website, bc at least I can at least keep up with the current conditions, however sad it is. Thanks to all, and keep up the good work.

  29. I would pay special attn to the captive on the left. As a nurse, I would say that his breathing is the result of pure terror. I think by all of their reactions, they already know that their death is coming, probably as soon as the interview was over. Has anyone seen or heard from any of these captives since the video was made? I think we all know the answer to that. So, so sad!

  30. Yes, these who were captured were killed, CDG have the money and will power to acquire gear better than the Mexican military. Sources of mine have told me, some of high profile members ride in Humvess military style. CDG is mainly consisted of men and not kids out of the street, their only source of income is drug running unlike Los Zetas who extort and kidnap etc.... Los Zetas recruit young men who want easy money as foot soldiers, so when they come hand to hand with CDG people they get scared since they are so many of them and are well armed. The zetas may have the tactics but not the money. CDG does and is socially accepted in Mexico and get help from society.

  31. That is hearsay.. CDG has young members to, mostly older people but since the war started both sides have recreated like crazy. Zetas have the tactics and the money, and so do the CDG.

  32. the zetas killed a man near the place i live in del rio. look for the video, its pretty grusom. they rip his head off. :/

  33. Theres two ways to see this...either this guys ARE militaries that are helping this people...or they are cdg ppl dressed as soldiers. Its obvious they made them say this.the thing is...with wat purpose..not for us the ppl to think bad about zetas but to make them mad. This man are crying if u guys noticed...when the camera is changed you gan see how the reflction of the lights makes the tears that runned through there eyes visible...i dnt think they were under anythin...why would someone be on drugs when is about to get killed.they probably got so turtured they are not able to speak right.

  34. Bro, you've got some serious balls saying this video was staged. wouldn't you be shitting bricks if you had 4 guys with high-powered rifles behind you (subconsciously knowing) those were your last minutes? good luck, interesting stuff, but i wouldn't be claiming stuff until you knew the facts.


  36. Well far be it from me to say that the weapons are being smuggled over the border from some place else. From 1991 until now almost every single assault rifle in Mexico can be traced
    back to the USA just as every ingle Kilo of
    coke can be traced back to S. America via Mexico. The money is too important to the
    economy for this s--t to stop anytime soon
    even though innocent people are dying on a constant basis. Right now Mexico is in a Civil War!


  38. I thought it was staged to when I saw it.

  39. I am not sure on what the % is for US arms making into Mexico but I do know for a fact back in the 80's the Police Dept in Roma was shut down. Roma is the city across from Mier on US side. They Fed Govt shut them down because the entire police force including the chief were smuggling guns into Mexico. It's totally fucked over there and I am there every two weeks. The US Govt needs to send Military support to the Valley asap. There are too many shootings and acts of violence happening inlcuding in the streets of North Mcallen.

  40. by the way it is Comales, not Tomales, Comales is a small ejido well known for its chorizo... it is located before Cd Mier Tamaulipas... Diaz Ordaz Camargo Miguel Aleman Comales Cd Mier are also known as "frontera Chica" or Small Border, these are small towns now ghost towns many People in Reynosa from companies such as Schulemberg Pemex, Pason, Halliburton, use to travel to these regions everyday, but the zetas started kidnapping them on the "brechas" or rural roads where the oil wells are located. Now All of these companies have moved to other regions in the country. Due to hostile environment in this region.

  41. These videos are not staged, there is the final part of this video that was already in youtube where these guys were shot in front of the camera. It was removed for obvious reasons

  42. thing is i grew up in reynosa tamps. i knw r1 and all them and this is a real vid these men were captured on the outskirts of reynosa tamps. they were tryin to sneak into reynosa since the gulf cartel controls there but they were ambushed by a patrol of r1 men who ran into them and followed them as they noticed they were being followed they started to head out towards las granjas a hood in reynosa and were cought on the outskirts of the road reynosa monterrey. these men were all executed. the men u see in back ground are all personal guard of r1.

  43. Hahah this guy think this is fake. You do know the person filming isn't Steven Spielberg right? f***ing americans think they know everything. The people dress in military are from El Cartel Del Golfo. That is how narcos dress either military or dressed up all in black

  44. The guy in the middle and the guy on the right holding the guns need to trade helmets.

  45. well i hate this people or better named animals
    because they've killed alot of people who are innocent. first of all my mom tried to pass and this zetas dudes kidnaped her. for 1,500 dollars
    thankfully a friend saved her, and payed. but my mom says it was horrible hearing they're plans. in that same dark room were others who are dead now.


  47. give the zetas hell from europe

  48. The captors are C.D.G members

  49. I want el chapo guzman to read this Chapito yo te voy a buscar im not in a gang or the cops im a us citizen that is tired of your shit when i get you your going to wish you wont born this aint no threat this a promise

  50. To the following:
    * "August 3, 2010 10:14 PM Anonymous said... TO EVERYONE WHO SAW THIS VIDEO AND THINKS IT WAS STAGED YOUR WRONG."
    * "September 18, 2010 2:45 PM Anonymous said... I thought it was staged to when I saw it."
    * "October 22, 2010 7:59 PM Anonymous said... These videos are not staged,"
    * "November 1, 2010 10:27 PM Anonymous said... Hahah this guy think this is fake."

    They didn't think it was "fake". They believe that the guys were already interrogated beforehand, and then told what to say in front of the camera. Hence, "staged"

  51. Those zetas did not get captured by military there were caught by the gulf cartel cartels steal police and military uniforms,helmets and other stuff they where 4 and the gulf cartel they had 30 or more and well arm that's the gulf cartel interviewing them it's better to die in a battle than 2 get captured because there going to do a lot of things 2 you before you die feed you alive to lions and tigers, burn you alive,chop you up alive


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