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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Miguel Treviño Morales "Z-40"

Miguel Angel Treviño Morales (a.k.a: Z-40, 40, Zeta 40, David Estrada-Corado, Comandante Forty, El Catorce) is a Mexican drug trafficker who is a commander of the criminal paramilitary gang known as Los Zetas, currently led by Heriberto Lazcano. Miguel is an important figure in the Zetas, currently acting as gatekeeper of Nuevo Laredo city

Miguel Treviño is a former member of the Mexican Army’s elite Airborne Special Forces Group (GAFE), trained in locating and apprehending drug cartel members. It is believed that he was also trained at the military School of the Americas in the United States. Also, he was trained by foreign specialists, including Americans, French, and Israelis, in rapid deployment, aerial assaults, marksmanship, ambushes, small-group tactics, intelligence collection, counter-surveillance techniques, prisoner rescues and sophisticated communications.

In the late 1990s, the Gulf Cartel, a Mexican criminal organization, recruited him and other 30 GAFE members to provide protection and perform other vital functions, thus becoming Los Zetas, the paramilitary wing of the Gulf Cartel, responsible for the smuggling of multi-ton quantities of cocaine, marijuana and heroin into the United States from Mexico annually.

In 2008, Miguel Treviño and Heriberto Lazcano forged an alliance with the Beltrán Leyva brothers to form the most powerful and brutal cartel in Mexico today. Government sources said the new organization, along with Beltran Leyva's, are fighting for control against 'La Federacion' (The Federation), an alliance of drug trafficking organizations led by Joaquin "el Chapo" Guzman and by Ismael Zambada García, former allies of Beltran Leyva.

Miguel Treviño also acts as a cartel 'gate-keeper' and exacts a fee on all contraband flowing through a given area, nicknamed a "plaza". He is currently in charge of the highly lucrative Nuevo Laredo plaza, across the border from Laredo, TX. He bribes and intimidates officials to help maintain control, and puts down challenges violently. Treviño invokes such fear, very few journalists dare to write about him. Strangely, he is well known to Mexican law enforcement officials, yet he never appeared on the "most wanted" lists of Mexico's federal or Tamaulipas state's attorney general's offices.

With Treviño’s help, Los Zetas have taken on sideline operations that go beyond narcotics trafficking: human smuggling, extortion, and gunrunning. In November 2007, the city of Laredo, Texas issued an arrest warrant for Treviño in connection with a 2006 double homicide in Texas,[16] and the U.S. Department of Justice also released an indictment against Treviño for conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine into the United States. There is a bounty for Treviño in Mexico set at $2 million USD and another one in U.S.A. set at $5 million USD.

Born November 18, 1970.
Nuevo Laredo, Tamulipas, Mexico
Other names 40, Z-40, Zeta 40, David Estrada-Corado, Comandante Forty, El Catorce, La Mona
Occupation Illegal drug trafficker, mercenary, hitman.
Employer Los Zetas
Height 5' 8"
Weight 195 lbs
Partner Heriberto Lazcano


  1. Trained by the French!!What, on how to retreat or surrender

  2. Trained by the French on how to save your American ass form the English.

  3. What? The same french that the U.S. saved from becoming part of Germany.

  4. Which of all happened first? Exactly.

  5. why does every one think that 40 is a trained elite soldier he never has been a soldier in the mexican army he is from Nuevo Laredo Colonia Solidaridad I'm from Nuevo Laredo until it got to dangerous I have meet el 40 years ago he used to be a low ranking member of Los Texas run by Arturo & Guillermo Martinez Herrera Z40 never was in the military not saying that he is not a killer we all know he is but he's no elite I REALLY HOPE CDG GET HINM QUICK HE"S CALLING THE SHOTS NOW bring Nuevo Laredo Peace for all of us

  6. No va ver paz en nuvo laredo si se menten los contras= los perros de sinaloa y michoacan les van adar laespalda al Cartel del Golfo casi le estan regalando el estado de TAMAULIPAS!!!!

  7. Valen verga todos ustedes , pinches narcos pendejos no tienen nada de tacticas al igual que Los putos soldados de mierda Mexicanos, si fuera yo que estubiera inbulucrado ya hubiera matados a todo esos pendejos

  8. Word on the street is that Z-40 was killed, burned on July 16 in Nuevo Laredo while a terrorist act where a city bus collided with a narco-truck while a planed ongoing gang fight resulting in a shooting and grenades use. There are pictures over the net where you can see Z-40 burned, or so was reported by the Televisa news.

  9. puro zetas culeros la letra se respeta culeros arriba nuevo laredo culeros puro zetas

  10. mexico's president is the biggest drug lord of them all!

  11. PuRo Tamaulipas putos

  12. el narcotrafico nunca se va a acabar y mucha gente pobre se mantiene de eso mandandole toda la droga a los gringos para que se buelban mas locos de lo que estan los cabrones, pero estos putos zetas ya extorcionan a gente inosente y secuestran a imigrantes que tratan de pasar la frontera de los estados unidos y eso no se vale, por eso que ACABEN CON LOS ZETAS, su peor error ha sido aberce metido con la gente inocente.

  13. Dejame preguntarles a ustedes que leyen este blog desde Mexico.

    Yo se que Los Zetas son unos hijos de la chingada que ni su madre los quiere (como dice la barbie)

    Pero no es sierto que los del Golfo, la FAmilia, Y los Chapitos tambien hacen las mismas desgraciadas, y que por toda la culpa que le echan a los Zeta's, asi tambien se comportan TODOS LOS OTROS CARTELES?

    En mi opinion, No existe un narco bueno. Para mi, esa idea es una tonteria que se los venden los pesados del los carteles: ellos son los unicos que viven muy bien en estos tiempos tan dificil. Y con muy buena razon: A ellos no les importan ni sus ninos. Solo aman el dinero. Eso es la verdad.

    Lo juro

  14. Anonymous is absolutely right, Trevino was never in the military and he did work for
    Arturo Martinez back in the day. He was slinging
    "Mex Mud" over in Laredo for Arturo and his hermanos. The whole Martinez-Herrera Family ran
    all the "Mex Mud" in Laredo all the way up to
    San Antonio.and he was definately low man on that totem pole until Arturo was murdered and
    Billy went into hiding. How he hooked up with the Z's was through C.D.G. and when Osiel got
    busted he went over to the Z's cuz their was more money and he brought his brother Alajandro
    with him!

  15. Si es que existe este bastardo quisiera encontrarmelo ap hijo de puta, para partirle su madre ojo nomas soy un ciudadano,

  16. He just got caught !!!

  17. I dont think alot of people would like to have beef with this guy,you know being a GAFE and all.

  18. This guy is without a doubt a "Stone Killer" but
    don't make him out to be some Super Man. The people who he decapitates have their hands tied
    behind their backs! This guy is really nothing
    but a peice of shit and why he's alive is because he's got money and he's a "Informer" to
    both the DEA and AFI.

  19. que chingen su madre z y narcos que matan jente con las manos atadas yquien les dijo que los que asen esas cobardias son hombre pinche animale pero pronto seles ba acavar el chiste por que el pueblo esta cansado de estas animaladas por lo mientras yo ya puse de mi cosecha partiendole la madre auno putos z que la verdad son uno pinches huarachudos con ambre y nada de fieras como lo pintan poreso raza levantense y mande a chingar asu madre a estos animales

  20. EL VERDADERO Z40 no es mexicano ...nacio en Paraguay pero se crio en Texas en la decada de los 70...luego vivio un tiempo en Mexico y Colombia donde Pablo Escobar lo llamaba el "carajito" verdadero nombre es Guillermo y la DEA no posee fotos de el porque realizo tratos con la agencia y se desempeño como agente de inteligencia y de operaciones especiales en centroamerica con el nombre de Martin Bravo..los pocos que conocen su rostro lo llaman el "Doctor" y si es un miembro de los grupos de elite del ejercito....lo entrenaron en Israel y tambien estuvo en el 4to Batallon de la Legion Civil Extranjera de Francia en Guyana, desarrollo las vias de transporte y distribucion por centroamerica con los kaibiles hasta chiapas para los comenta mucho en estos dias que esta en la Argentina donde desarrolla la logistica para concentrar las produccions de drogas de Bolivia y Peru en el rio de la plata.....tiene como socio al ex agente de la DEA de apellido RIDLER y usan una empresa IRON SERVICE como pantalla en TEXAS USA....RIDLER es el mentor de las entregas vigiladas desde el gran chaco Paraguay-Argentina-Bolivia....por lo que la droga se desplaza sin ser interceptadas por los organismos de seguridad hasta EE UU....que es distribuida gracias a la logistica de la PENSKE transportes...acuerdense del tunel que unia la frontera de mexico y EEUU al final del tunel del lado Estado Unidense estaba estacionado un camion de la PENSKE para ser cargado..otro dato UNOS DE LOS SOCIOS DE RIDLER en IRON SERVICE un ex agente deL un "experto" en distribucion de "cargas" y asesora una gran compañia de transportes americana....

  21. Bueno me da mucha tristesa de lo que esta pasando pero es la realidad y ala vez me da mucho coraje por estan matando mucha jente inocente que no tiene nada que ver y quierrn aser dinero es problema de ellos y en realidad no sabemos si es el verdadero Trevino con eso que ay tanto chisme no se a quien creerle

  22. Esa caveza es mia, I make u, I break u a.k.a los tejas

  23. Z-40 is a true ruthless zeta cartel he puts a lot of work and he is the powerful drug king pin in the world

  24. todos esas personas k estan disponiendo de las vidas de gente inocente . .....muchos de ellos '' mujeres y ninos '' . son gente sin corazon deverian de matarlos de una forma publica , a la vista de todos . como en los tiempos de la revolucion . OJO X OJO , DIENTE X DIENTE . parecen ninas , panochones . hay yo soy de el golfo , yo de '' las '' z , yo soy puta del chapo . muera basuras !! you aint shit putas baratas !! hacen el trabajo sucio , se exponen y exponen a sus familias . mientras kien realmente HACE FERIA , tiene paz y solose esta rascando los webos mirando a tanta gente pendeja k se dejan manejar como titeres de mierda . mejor dense un balazo en el culo .

  25. Sry ass fcknscums needa get a fckn job as well as those low life fckn gang members ain't worth shit.get areal job putos kuleros valen pura verga (ssr)

  26. kill em all and let GOD sort the SONS OF BITCHEZ!!!

  27. Jajajja- este menso no le llega a los talones al Lazca. Es obvio que lo quiere imitar. Solo miren la foto en traje, no mames buey!!

  28. Cool.this aged well


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