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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Aquila, Michoacán: 'Take That You Son Of A Bitch!'

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The heinous actions of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel are making the rounds online once again. 

For these broadcasts assassins from the four letters cartel show with words and actions their criminalistic ways against fallen Carteles Unidos gunmen who were over taken by them. 

A date of January 23, 2023 is visible on the bottom left side of the first film confirming how recent these events are. 

The word 'Aquila', a town in the southwestern part of Michoacán, can be seen displayed on the green shirt of the fallen male. 

In addition the overpowering enforcer fires several rounds into his crushed adversaries while degrading them with words out of spite. 

Warning: Graphic Videos

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: This is so that everyone can understand here. We are the fucking four letters cartel. We are the fucking absolute Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

Sicario #2: You faggots, we are the fucking four letters cartel. Take that you son of a bitch!

Sicario #1: This is what happens to you guys for being some scumbag dogs. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: This is what happens for being scumbags you sons of bitches. This is so that you assholes can stop being scumbags. We are the fucking New Generation Cartel you dogs. 

Sicario #2: We are the fucking four letters cartel. 

Sicario. #1: You dogs, we are the four letters cartel. 

Sicario #2: Go fuck your mothers you sons of bitches. 

Sicario #1: We are the absolute New Generation cartel you bitches. Grab those rifles and let’s go. I saw someone run away. 

Sicario #2: Someone ran away?

Sicario #1: Yes. Lets go. 



  1. That’s looks like la chopa

  2. Tough guys when they have firearms in their hands. Pussies when they don't. Future stars of upcoming BB videos.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. DetroitJanuary 24, 2023 at 8:01 PM
      puro pinche drogadicto con valor prestado.

    3. 8:01pm, NO DOUBT! Weaklings w/ guns and a group.

  3. Drone strike and get rid all these scumbags

  4. Business is booming. Caught them sleeping.

  5. "We are the fucking absolute Jalisco New Generation Cartel."

    RR .

  6. Que Bueno, que a aven con todos Los C.U extorsionadores!!!

  7. Overran their camp.... well at least they didn't get their heads cut off while alive

  8. Carteles UNIDOs would be eliminated already but Michoacán Governor is in bed with them, they Extort the hell out of the population and natural resources.

    1. @8.38- Then what? If CU was ''eliminated'' (which is bullshit anyway since they are a wide ranging alliance) you think CJNG effectively taking the state would be better? It wouldn't.

    2. 1:29 look into what plazas they do control in Michoacán.
      I do think the people would be better off with them than CU

    3. @1.29. Yeah, crime is down because the police have had to fall in line (or they helped facilitate the takeover to begin with), the media can't report, and everything from the outside seems really peaceful, mainly because half the population has fled in terror. They are making a concerted effort to win local hearts and minds, but if they take over it will not be better for the people of Michoacan, no matter how crooked the majority of CU is.

  9. That’s right 👍

  10. What happened to CJNG in Michigan... When mayos people went in there

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. It looks like they caught them asleep. Used some mortars or granades. The one in the second video was still mostly in his hammock.


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