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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Zacatecas: Sinaloan Enforcers Execute And Interrogate Several CJNG Gunmen

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Warning: Graphic video

An armed group of Sinaloan gunmen execute with gunfire and interrogate several captured Jalisco New Generation Cartel enforcers in the state of Zacatecas. The ensnared and defeated hitmen find themselves on their knees in broad daylight answering a flurry of questions by an individual known as El 40 from the Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS). 

This moment of vulnerability for the doomed individuals shows them to be tense and downcast in anticipation of what's to come. On top of all this communication over two-way radios, narco ballads, and the voices of multiple hitmen can be heard throughout this film. 

Andrés Pinillo


  1. Thanks BB. That map explains the importance of this plaza with its proximity to drug producing states and the highway systems just east of the Sierra Madre.

  2. Ahora si les tienen mas coraje los chinolas en zacatecas alos cjng, ya saben lo que les a pasado a varios de sus compañeros a manos delos menchos. Ahora si muy mansistos pero muy bravos sacando gente de sus casas en los ranchos lejanos de jerez, y levantando a morrill@s de 13-15 años. Les fue bien a esos jaliscos no los cortataron vivos como ellos asen

    1. Hablas de los MZs verdad? Despojar de propiedades y violaciones?

    2. 12:56 no es sabido por la gente de esos ranchos que el cjng fueron los que se pasaron de la raya con la gente por que creas que el gobierno anda atras ellos por que la misma gente se queja apenas. Hay busce fotos de perfiles de jaliscos donde salen en las casas abandonadas echados en las camas

    3. 12:56 pretty sure lives in a cave far from the state of Zac if this groupie was from the state he would know cds don't fuck with innocents, all cartels have bad apples but cjng takes the trophy when comes down to targeting innocent people, extortion, kidnapping etc..

  3. Hoy le toco al de el gallo
    Mañana le toca alos chinolas

    You think this kind of acts deters them.

    1. Mañana it'll be cjng and pasado mañana as well, CDS is winning the battle in zacatecas and advancing.

    2. They’re not winning bro calm down look at the real facts they can’t push they only ambush and run

    3. oiga quien era en LVM.? me suena su nombre de usuario.

    4. 6:47 La Verga Mera

  4. Dying for a senseless cause
    Live by the gun, die by the gun

    1. They cause is money

    2. 6:54 prisoners like these usually get drafted and intimidated and sent to war under threat of death for themselves and their families, or promises of great bounty and treasury, and a day of "training" maruchan.

    3. You have no idea who these kids were, if they were guilty of anything, or how they died, if they did in fact die. One of them was shot, but the rest were bundled into a vehicle. I hate these ''they had it coming'' comments.

  5. CJNG is loosing, CDS is United and advancing in the state all the way south. They’ve pushed into Valparaiso. Controlling Jerez and reaching monte escobedo. Jardinero is playing defensively he doesn’t want Sinaloa to enter the state, but the chapitos are already there.

    1. 11:18 CDS (and prior to the Guadalajara cartel) has been in Zacatecas for a long time.

    2. 11:18 if you think cds is getting rid of cjng in zacatecas, you must be new. If they do get rid of them it's not going to happen over night.
      Governor getting money from both sides so it's gonna be a long bloody time before that happens.

    3. 12:23 Thats an accurate comment.

  6. Ese mentado cmdte 40 es el que anda para el sur este de zacatecas loreto,Villa hidalgo,villa Gonzales,ojocaliente pinos y villa García a esos los detuvieron en pinos y pedregoso son talibanes y jaliscos atte el zairo de zacatecas

    1. Entonces los CDG y Talibanes se unieron con CJNG en los terrenos donde tenían control o presencia los primeros dos grupos?

    2. Si todos lo saben los Golfos se voltearon con las Jaliscas

    3. 4:36 Que le paso al Fantasma de Monte Escobedo? Por casualidad no sabes?

    4. 7:00 se lo chingaron los ghost hunters

  7. CjNG is conquering Zacatecas. Like it or not they are. They're a transnational drug cartel with millions in funding.

    1. And Trump is president!!!! Hahahahaha don't talk if you don't know actual facts! CDS control most of Zacatecas.

    2. 1:49 as of late cjng is getting an ass whooping not just in Zac buddy, looks like the funds are not being used properly, being transnational doesn't mean they can't get their ass handled lol like it or not 😂

    3. If CJNG was winning they’d be fighting closer to Durango. Most of the fighting is in southern Zacatecas

    4. Trump is technically still preezy

    5. cjng is not even a real cartel they are just a bunch of sicarios they don’t move tons like cds

    6. 9:04 cjng are pedestrians, like los zetas, local thugs mostly, famous for their car washing skills, street vendors, tienditas, halcones de banqueta and taxing tortillas, come think of it, ricardo monreal used to be a street vendor in Fresnillo and is the leader of street vendors in Mexico City led by Cuauhtemoc Delegation "presidente" sandra cuevas del hoyo, promoting "ricardo for presidente"

    7. 5:51 Sir do you get a discount on your drugs for cheering on Cds?

    8. 5:51 damn, and cds can't take them out? Cds sounds like they are weak

    9. 8:01 In fact, they are getting weaker.... since they want to control every plaza and they now have like 20 bosses...

    10. 7:55 I don't support any cartel, or their members, but you have to be aware that crack was brought to the masses on the US, (after the reaganauta Whites' House raised the food stamp allowances) and the zetas/ cjng brought cheap ass drugs to the mexican poor and broke assed, along with "cartel membership".

  8. we WERE the absolute mob of Snr Mencho!!

  9. Pretty tough Gordo 40

  10. Wheres the but but but but guy??lmao But but but but check mate puto -Cartel De Sinaloa

  11. Se rumora aqui en Valparaiso k andan escuadrones de la muerte de hezbolaa arabes colaborando con el jardinero y sus muchachones de las 4 . Por eso a mis sinaloas se les esta haciendo difficult pa avatar. Esos jaliscos nomas amdan extortionando a nostros los del tianguis

    1. No digas mamads meriwey!! 😅

    2. Valparaiso, Zac. alias "el Valle" es un pinchi rancho bicicletero, cualquier güey con barbas es un Osama, un Bin Laden o un Taliban, no mameeen!!!


    1. 5:14 La Viuda del Rigo Tovar?
      Benny Ibarra , el golfo de Mèxico, y Jose Luis Gazcón el robavacas de Michuakan en el Pacifico, formaron los Yaki, martitha sahagun de fox y el padre Marcial Maciel, y ex-gobernador francisco javier garcia cabeza de vacas, y Lazaro Cardenas que se robo el petroleo de los golfos, los zetas y la famiglia muchuakana, una large historia amor y hermandá

  13. ESO es todo 〽️🤠

  14. Just a rookie question. But was the real rancho Bufalo in Zac or was that made up in Narcos. I realize only about 50% of the series is actually true. Was wondering if that was. Thanks guys keep up with the awesome articles.

    1. 7:15 it was in Chihuahua. Zacatecas was also a state the Guadalajara Cartel had marijuana grows

    2. 7:15 If zacatecas ranchos had water wells dug in the 70s, they were associates of Guadalajara cartel...
      rancho Bufalo was just one more piece of shit.
      The DEA confiscated about 250 million dollars from the Guadalajara cartel, but THE REAL OWNERS WERE CIA and NSA ROGUE AGENTS who affraid of losing their ass for getting exposed decided to "investigate" Kiki Camarena in the traditional Mexican Style, kidnap and torture until death after confession, they Had to find out how much Camarena really knew, the Whites' House reputation was on the line.

    3. Back when all that happened is would’ve argued you down that what your saying is a crazy crackpot conspiracy theory. But now today what you’re saying sounds 100% plausible, imaginable, and actually probable.

    4. 10:20 I hope somebody writes A BOOK!!!
      also the murders of Manuel Buendia and about 30 policias federales on the Rancho Camino Real in Sanchez Taboada Veracruz owned by Caro Quintero and felix gallardo and operated by felix rodriguez for his contra drug trafficking.

    5. @SIR- The real owners weren't CIA, let alone NSA. They benefited, by several removes, but it was a Mexican operation. There is no evidence at all to suggest they did anything other than use the connections to their advantage. You should read Charles Bowden (the old-school border journalist) and Molly Molloy, even though they lean toward your point of view more than mine, but I'm dreading the books that will come out about the Kiki case. More smoke and mirrors, shadow chasing, and Hector Bellerez promoting his new security firm.

  15. hombres stuffed in the trunk of the car at the end are still alive...waiting their turn

  16. We are the absolute mob of El Señor 40 . Pura Sombreriza y arriba La Chapiza plebes !

  17. Is fat ass 40?What are them strings hangin off his shorts,oh his legs.Good job he keeps a shooter on him

  18. Cheering for the lowest of humanity, why? These guys are dirtbags. Every cartel member are dirtbag criminals. The bottom of the bottom, when your life is at its lowest you join a cartel and hope your life gets better. It won’t.

  19. El 40? That name is already taken can't he get another name like stupid?

  20. I laugh at the fact that none of you know whats up. Let cjng grow, so they make news. But the new list of most wanted is allllll CDS. Mencho is big, but the shot callers are CDS. They just stayin more lowkey now.

    1. 11:33
      I too laugh at you, not knowing Mencho been dead for quite a while.😂😂😂🤣

    2. 6:47 yeah and mayos dead to and vicentillo is a snitch 😂😂😂😂

    3. @11.33 You must be trolling, cos your comment makes no sense. CDS stay low key, but alllll of the new Most Wanted list is CDS? That's the literal opposite of low key. It means they are the priority, so keep on laughing.

  21. Any BB mods know if one side is more dominant then the other in Zacatecas? I feel like there's going to be no winners here

    1. It's been back and forth for several years now. Each side has taken losses just as much as wins.

    2. What side has taken more territory? CDS. Let's be really honest, CJNG cannot contain the advances of the Mzs.

      It also helps that the zacatecas government completely ignores los Mzs and is only focused on capturing/fighting the CJNG group.

    3. 11:04 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Aja y luego te caiste de la cama y te despertaste


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