Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Addresses AMLO

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

For the second time this month armed individuals believed to be from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel have released a video communique directed at Mexico’s president Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador (AMLO). The spokesperson narrates before the camera critical words against alleged corrupt military officers who apparently forfeited on their agreed upon illicit plan of action. 

Broadcast #1 is a sanitized film that has been deemed safe for all to see consisting of their formal address to AMLO. While the last 14 seconds of film #2 gives everyone the true sense of their apple of discord with the dismembering of a male corpse. As the long machete swiftly swings down and bites deep into the man’s flesh. His body jerks violently on the ground. 

A narco message was purposely plastered across the screen to offset the algorithms that would automatically violate the social media’s network rules for showing grotesque images. 

Video translation is as follows:

Today is September 16, 2022. Good afternoon, Mr. President. With all due respect we address you. You made a change in this country. And all the states are grateful to you. This video sir is to clarify a matter. Innocent people never just die here. It’s the kidnappers, rapists, and extortionists who die. 

We can’t deny the fact that there’s a mafia in this country as in China. Not everyone has the same mindset sir. Some individuals do things wrong. A case in point would be every peso that the generals and commanders of the military ask for. We won’t be giving out any names. 

They’re the only ones who break their oaths. They believe that because of the uniform they wear they can kill innocents. And that nothing will happen to them. Sir, we’re going to repel the aggressions of the Army and National Guard. On account of the fact that large sums are paid to the commanders. They’re the ones who break our arrangements. 

Ask them where the dead are. They just kill civilians or dispose of them. They claim that the orders come from above. If they want war, we’re ready! Our conflict is against all the bad actors, only them. We are a group that's positioned throughout this nation. And we’re determined to sacrifice our lives for the townspeople. 

Warning: Graphic Video

Narco message reads as follows:

You filthy disloyal culprits shouldn’t break you oaths. Nor should you scumbags harm the citizens. Otherwise, the same fate could await you. Death could also appear for you. 


  1. Ya mejor callese ala vrg inepto
    Que el cjng es el peor de todos.

    1. 6:57 no ahi ni un mejor ni peor todos son la misma mierda

    2. There trash Jalisco has 5 years left and then broker off in lames.. this guys speaking u can tell ain educated people won't respect him he's a bum cat at that lol

    3. 10:29 you snitchaloas have been saying cjng is done since 2017 and what’s happened? They only got bigger. And chapo had the education of a 10 yr old and that’s being generous.

    4. 10:29 5 years huh? I thaught they were done already 馃ぃ馃槀 make up your mind cds cheerleaders

    5. 10:46 actually it was 2015 they started saying that. The CDS fans are so delusional if you don't agree with them then your a CJNG cheerleader

  2. They should open up a can of SIR on their asses to teach them a lesson.

    1. We just need to dial 1-800-sic-ario006.

    2. We are the absolute mob of El Se帽or Sicario006

    3. 6.57
      Haha, he'd make a brilliant secret weapon. Confuse the fuck out them while snipers moved into position. I like SIR.

  3. Querido AMLO :
    "Mira bien, hijo de tu puta madre- Soy “Mencho”, wey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy Mencho, Wey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no, te voy a partir tu madre a ti y a toda tu bola de perros. Te tengo identificados 30 weyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a matar si no te relajas, wey. ¿C贸mo ves?- "

    1. Primero lugar no lloren, todos saben que todos son corruptos. Segundo lugar si saben que son vendidos porque no les pagan m谩s???? Tercero lugar se ven como desesperados por ayuda. Porque no acen alcanc铆as y todos asen dinero.

    2. Mencho can't even spell his own middle name correctly- it's GUEY, not "way" pendejo!

    3. 8:48 Believe it or not!!!
      There are levels...
      Nobody wants their alcancia done like yours, full of camote

    4. 11:28 Guey or wey are the same, theres not really a right way to spell wey, now if you are talking about a castraded bull than its spelled buey, pinche buey 馃槀

  4. Bunch of gordos with guns. They hear "tuck and roll " and think of the food trough.

    1. 8:16:
      Kind of reminds me of the Montana militia. They can't hide behind the trees because they are all wider than the trees.

  5. Los peores de todos son los ojetes muertos de hambre que chingan al pueblo, los culeros que anda cobrando piso, extorsi贸n, secuestran y los malnacidos que despojan a la gente de sus pertenencias c贸mo los Culos Unidos

    1. 8:39 seran ojetes pero muertos de hambre no, estan bien comiditos los hijos de su p€+@ madre

  6. A bunch of fat fucks in that formation

  7. I didnt hear a cartel name, but the accent sounded veracruzano, those guys are fat 馃ぃ

    1. Nothing on the vests, no shouting and the other video linked was also vague on who made it. Reminds me of the video by the sicario "Carnales" without any identifying marks...

  8. Fat fucks about to cry ,they sure r desperate snitching at its best n they still have the nerve to speak against targeting innocent people when they themselves are leading the way with extortion kidnapping etc

  9. Las mugrosas son las jaliscas.

  10. So, it was "Wear your white shirt and dark wash pants to school this Friday Day?"

  11. Replies
    1. Exactly, these MF aren't skinny fat, they just fat fat and weak

  12. CJNG are always crying about something, always snitching and then their fan base blames the CDS.

    1. 12:20 USA court papers say other wise

  13. Of course the military and police are corrupt! It's a Narco State! You can say the same about the DEA and American military complex! Failure in failing forever-wars means a constant flow of hundreds of billions to the police and military industrial complex where xpolice and military are hired for millions$$ annually, big salaries and golden pensions!salaries

    1. This is the truth

    2. 12:47 Finally a coherent comment not blaming everyone.

  14. This reminds me of that Steven Seagal joke from Family Guy

    1. (to Steven Seagal ) Peter: “You act asian, you look native american, your name is possibly jewish... what are you?”

      Cleveland: “He fat”

  15. Oh boy. Where is that Hellfire variant R9X? Inert warhead but with whirring blades that slice and dice. victims to death. Scythe these lowlifes into mulch.

  16. These are the dudes who cjng fanboys in the comments say are a terrifying force of nature 馃拃they all short n fat they dont scare a mouse!

    1. 12:56 i dont know man but between this fat guys and the Barreras Grandpas its getting interesting, (Funny interesting) 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

  17. So now they think they can step to the military?
    Does this tell us anything about ELMO ?

    1. 9:55 El Presidente de M茅xico se llama Andr茅s Manuel Lopez Obrador, y a el se la pelash g眉ey

    2. 9:55 Tells is now doing something against them..

  18. Guess I won’t be wearing a white long sleeve on my next trip to Jalisco or Michoacan. 馃槬

    1. Joe Rogan is that you?

    2. 4:15 El Pel贸n Rogaine in da haus, he's a trumpanzee fan


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