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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

State Police Officer Murdered in Tijuana; He Was Accused of Stealing Drugs from the Tijuana Cartel

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

The shootout occurred a few minutes before 8:00 a.m.
On Tuesday mornning, Omar Alpiza Muñoz, an agent of the Baja California Attorney General's Office (FGE) was killed by gunmen in Linda Vista, a borough in Tijuana. Reports say that Alpiza was a lead investigator in the missing persons division of the FGE.

Witnesses said they heard several firearm detonations and observed an injured man aboard a white Taurus sedan vehicle. Elements of the Tijuana Municipal Police arrived at the site to confirm the facts. They requested the presence of paramedics from the Red Cross, who confirmed the death of the agent.

At least two sicarios participated in the attack, but they were able to escape before authorities arrived at the scene. Two weapons used in the attack were found hours later in El Soler neighborhood.

Last week, cartel members tried to assassinate another state agent identified as Francisco Leyva Mariscal, who also worked with Alpizar.

In July 2015, Alpiza was singled out for leading a group of state police officers who stole a truck with drugs owned by the Tijauana Cartel and/or Arellano Félix Cartel. The robbery was caught on camera and showed the police officers taking the drug merchandise. However, the video was not presented to authorities until November of that year, and the case remained in limbo for several years and was later dropped.

José Ramón Galvan Martínez, a state police chief in the anti-drug dealing unit, was also accused of being involved. Borderland Beat reported in 2016 that Galvan and other state police officers were confiscating drugs from the cartel, not reporting these seizures to authorities, and then re-selling the drugs in Tijuana.

According to a recent report from the Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (CCPSCJ), Tijuana is the 2nd most violent city in the world. It has 105.1 homicides for every 100,000 habitants. The data provided by the report only included cities with more than 300,000 habitants.



  1. This mfs in Tijuana dont play

  2. It would have great to equipt the car with bullet proof windows. But then again this is Mexico.

    1. It would be great to be a honest cop. SDSO

  3. Of course he wanted to supplement his income, since they get paid less than minimum wage. Yes why not sell what they confiscate from drug dealers, for it gets locked up, other department will swipe it.

    1. thats not true,these days the policia get paid $4,000+ pesos a week !:::min wage is $6 bucks a day.

    2. 9:08 he means as example if a police man's makes min wage say 9.00 an hour and works 40 hours, that's 360 a week before taxes, convert to 1$ us =20pesos -taxes take home pay is 6,000pesos.

    3. Well 7:54 if 9:08 says they make 4,000 pesos then that amounts to about $7.50 an hour. Now it is no wonder 7:53 is right, police in Mexico get less than the min. Wage, that they will sell off the drugs they confiscate. Poor policeman wanted to get ahead in life.RIP.

  4. wtf...the police are accused of stealing drugs from the cartel...its their job to confiscate their drugs and apprehend them !...whose running the country ???

    1. Supposedly Obrador, but he is busy doing daily conferences, but when it's talk about crime, he States all is fine, as if he can sweep it under the Mat. You ever dreamed of committing a crime and get away with it.. well Mexico is there, if you're going to kill people..kill cartel members.

    2. 5:45 You should be glad this current Mexican tlatoani is transparent unlike the other parties who have raped and exploited Mexico for the past 93+ years. Do what you did before AMLO became rightfully so the President of Mexico and STFU.

    3. 8:28 - “transparent”? More like lies. So what’s better. Lies or silence?

    4. Looks like 829 got his feelings hurt when the truth is spoken, who elese will cuss out. Freedom of speech.

  5. Recently he was accused of stealing drugs from CJNG. His name appeared in a narcomanta.

    1. I thought that was the Galvan guy. Either way, aren’t CAF / CJNG sorta working together there?

    2. Get it right, stealed from AFlix or Baby Killer Cartel.?

  6. Por andar de caliente. Ya eran muchos años de estar en ese rollo

  7. Looks like homeboy spilled his michelada...

    -Holden D. Cash

  8. At least he enjoyed that mango raspado before he died. 🥭

    1. Yeah man,down with that,get me one bro

    2. Ohh man i think i could murk a mangonada

  9. It looks like he was about to radio for help. Payback is a bitch

  10. Proper wet up with mango and blood aint that a bitch,shit gets all sticky

  11. Slumped baby slumped,this guy was naughty playin with everyone


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