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Friday, September 25, 2020

Mexican Government Releases a New 2020 Cartel Map

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

The image below is a new cartel map released last week by the Mexican Government.

According to the Mexican Government, there are 19 groups operating in Mexico.

Note: The following 3 are identified as being present in Nuevo Leon (Monterrey is in Nuevo Leon and  for more than a decade in contention between Zetas and CDG)

 Los Zetas - Zetas

 Gulf Cartel - CDG

 Cartel Del Noreste - CDN (Trevino Zetas)


  1. Replies
    1. That's not real. LMAO.

    2. I don't know what to say about CJNG being in Sinaloa. Never heard of that. The rest might be accurate.

    3. ...being present in Nuevo Leon (Monterrey is in Nuevo Leon and... made me smile

    4. 11:29 CJNG is allied with Los Beltran Leyva so I wouldn’t doubt some of them working in Sinaloa also

    5. @8:45 No, they're not allies, what are you talking about? CJNG with BLO? Where have you found that?

  2. Mexico finally looks like a Zarape.

  3. So the government got this printed out, send it to Obrador, will he still say, there is no narcos in Mexico?

  4. Off-topic but just want to say gracias bomberos (firefighters) from Mexico for helping California, we need it!

    Loyal BB reader from San Francisco

    1. actually it was 200. and California and Oregon sure needs the help.

      My son is supposed to go home tomorrow after 40 days fighting NorCal fires. That is rare not to have a day off.

    2. @Chivis that's amazing! I've been up in Sonoma counties helping friends clear brush and build firebreaks. Much admiration and respect!

      Loyal BB reader from San Francisco

    3. God Bless all the support and definitely your, Son, Chivis. I am sure Mama is concerned yet very proud :)

  5. No CDS? Interesting

    1. They are Pacific cartel

    2. i believe that is cartel del pacifico on the map and references

  6. Can´t see anything. Too low resolution and the colours are just plain stupid and similiar to others. Whoever made this map should be fired.

    1. wow, did you click on the image to enlarge? and you still can't read the list at left?👀 I can read every bit of the image, although on the right my assistant just said two she is unable to clearing read.

      but if you can't read the list on the right of cartels and presence then a trip to the ophthalmologist may be in order

    2. 11:27 go get your eyes checked! I need glasses and still can see the map, so you must need some glasses big time

  7. I cant believe the MX govt slight oversight of 0006 GN plp not mentioned explicitly como siguen sembrando el terror por MX y la Union Americana.

  8. All I'm gonna say is this... 😂😂😂

  9. They gave Agua Prieta to CJNG? Now I really have doubts that this map is accurate. More than half of Chihuahua is CJNG, more importantly the south side of the state? OK boys.

    1. CJNG is with Beltrans CAF NCDJ has a lot of Mini Lic’s people with them like Los 28 etc

  10. Some of the states where CJNG are present and it caught most people by surprise could be possible alliances with the groups in the region. Most people get caught up with the color and think they’re automatically owners of that plaza. If you have a cell of let’s say 10 people working in a state technically you have a presence in the area and they have to document it as such. The numbers of actual pistoleros and other things of that nature change so frequently that they are forced to just put it on the map for future reference. Don’t get all caught up being a bandwagon and just take the map for what is.

    1. No way can a cell of 10 have presence in a territory controlled by another cartel, they would get slaughtered. Also how would they document every cell of 10 in each city/Pueblo/state. Kindle hard to do. I know it’s hard to accept that things change and CDS is no longer the power house it once was. Time for a new generation, change is inevitable.

  11. CDS has northern Sinaloa? Lol ok

    1. Is it surprising that some from cds have switched To working with CJNG without the worry of getting snitched on or turned in by the rat bosses like Mayo? Seems like a smart move to me

    2. 8:41 mencho is just as much of a rat

    3. 9:42 sure!! History tells us the biggest rats are cdsnitches wether you want to believe it or not! And mayo is the biggest rat bigger than chapo as a matter of fact

  12. CJNG has no alliance with La Linea, and definitely not with CDS.. so CJNG operating in half of Chihuahua is the biggest lie in this entire article.

    1. This map proves all the people on this threat making comments about who is where and what territories are full of shit and dont know anything

    2. Jalisco been working with La Linea for years now

    3. 7:16 like you can trust the Mexican government?

    4. 10:39 not really but this is usa intel not mex intel, so i happen to trust them more than you

    5. 4:36 US Intel always bypasses their own guilt dthey see fit.
      What's wrong with you?

  13. Replies
    1. Nomas en tijuana se mueven y ni fuertes son caf ya paso su tiempo hace mucho tienen suerte de aun existir los carteles de baja california ya estan muertos

  14. Abit of a strange map, looks like la linea or Juarez Cartel no longer exsist. Also GJNG in Sinaloa, Sonora and Chihuahua probably allied with Los Quinteros. Tbh i think Quintero has been allied with them since at least when he got released. He had this attempted takeover planned for years and he played CDS at the begging.

    1. @1:52 Exactly, it was the Quinteros who approached Mencho to the Juárez and Tijuana groups.



  16. This map is wrong tamaulipas has no jaliscas in it except the metros faction has a deal where they are getting jaliscas drugs but jaliscas are not present in tamauilipas. Tamaulipas has cdn in the northwest corner in laredo mainly then metros cdg in the middle and the real cdg matamoros in the north east. On the southern part are cdg cells allied with matamoros or metros but no cjng. Cdn might make incursions into ciudad victoria but not really operating out of there either.

    1. @3:14 The map takes those alliances into account.

    2. There is a difference between an alliance and actual cartel precense. Jalisco cartel is not in tamaulipas.

    3. @10:45 La gente de Mencho is there, why is it so hard to believe that a group is there working with Golfos. Michoacanos have worked with Golfo since always and the map is addressing that. Sorry if I hit any fanboy nerves.

  17. Welp, I guess this map confirms it - there is no such thing as the CJNG. I always knew this “Cartel” was made up. Grateful to Mexico for finally clearing things up.

  18. Jaliscas in tamaulipas yeah right LMAO

  19. Falto el Cartel Arellano Félix , el que manda en Tijuana .. Bajita la tenaza ! 10/10 con el C.A.F..

    1. No manda nada el caf jaja es de tijuana y se navega en tijuana pero lo controla nada por eso no lo pusieron por que no es importante que para ti sea importante no significa que vayan a estar en el mapa suerte tienen de aun existir a pesar de no ser nada ya

  20. Too all you know-it-alls, why don't you make your own damn map and let's see how good it is. We'll be waiting...

  21. Jalisco has Z and Golfos?? Since when

    1. All cartels operate in Guadalajara just like in Monterey and Mexico City.

    2. Oziel Cardenas had a ranch in jalisco. Cdg bosses have been cought in jalisco only a few years back. Guadalajara is a big city.

  22. CDS looks like the BIGGER player because of DURANGO and SONORA PLAZAS but if you were to drive THROUGH those states you would KNOW it's mostly deserted desert.. Fun FACT

    1. Theres some cities and towns in DGO but for the most part its alotta mountains and desert

    2. You can say that for almost any place in the world, it’s mostly empty land

    3. 9:40 yes but some more than OTHER, I drove THOUGH CHIHUAHUA, DURANGO and SONORA you could drive for hours with NO PEOPLE AROUND..
      If you were to FLY over that LAND you would KNOW what I mean..

    4. @1:32 That's why is good for plantations and labs and actual narcotráfico activities instead of fighting for Huachicol and piso taxes like CJNG does.

    5. The only reason Durango is important is because of the hiding spots and big weed plantations

    6. Durango is an important plaza because of heroin production.

  23. No frieguen raza discutiendo que si los Jaliscos, los Chinolas, los de Juárez, los Golfos, los Norestes, los Aretes, los Caro

    No estan viendo lo verdaderamente importante que ni el Gobierno toma en cuenta a Tlaxcala 😂😂😂😂

  24. Note: I received this from a CDMX journalist who sent it to over a dozen news outlets with out commentary. At first glance I thought it riddled with errors, but when you study the key code and realize that groups like CDN are lumped together with old school zetas it becomes more clear.

    As for CJNG being in Tamps, Mexican gov has designated Tamps as one of the states with a cjng presence. That said last month a report from the US gov also says that CJNG is in Tamps and even in NL

    Whether you agree or disagree, and being mindful that the two nations has far more info that anyone being educated by blogs or news outlets, it is helpful to know what the opinions of involved governments are, rather than rejecting all other information because it doesn't align with what one thinks. Keep an open mind, who knows you may be proven wrong. 🙈 🙉

    1. I like what you said chivis, keep an open mind! Not agreen that a cartel that you dont like is in your state doesnt mean they will go away! Changos!

    2. Ok cjng could be in tamaulipas and nuevo leon because has an alliance with cds metros but what about sinaloa ??..

    3. @7:50 CJNG people operates there. It's fact.

    4. 4:43 since you guys like to believe everything that corridos say, ive heard a corrido were it talks about a michoacano going to sinaloa and spending money there, so?!? Im sure they are doing deals with some sinaloas! Theres a lot of sinaloas in jaliscos prisons so if they dont want to die thet align with cjng! Or they just wirk with cjng cause they have more money than the rest of the cartels

  25. Even if parts of this map are inaccurate, it shows you why Mexico is so violent right now.

  26. LIKE it or NOT CJNG is everywhere, EVEN SINALOA and SONORA.. I DON'T know why PEOPLE would be SURPRISED? MENCHO WORKED with people from SINALOA and believe it or NOT he has people from SINALOA still working with HIM..
    Things went sour between cjng and SINALOA but cjng still has contacts in SINALOA just like CDS has contacts in JALISCO.. Those are TWO international CARTELS with a bunch of MONEY and influence.. Just SAYING

  27. Majority of bb subscribers think with emotion and favoritism rather than reasoning.
    Well said @ el chivis

  28. Wow!! I am so glad to have access to this map!! After the Ghost Rider vid and the last clandestine graves story I wasn't sure where I wanted to spend my holiday in MX.


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