Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Veracruz: An ex candidate of the PES of Córdoba is shot at

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat EnoticiasVeracruz

Córdoba, Ver.- Gunmen traveling in a green truck tried to assassinate former PES (Partido Encuentro Social) candidate Edmundo Yeladaki this morning, who was shot at several times but managed to escape.

The report of the situation of risk was made by witnesses of the place at the crest of "Los Filtros" of this city, where a blue Suzuki brand truck fired 3 shots at Edmundo who was traveling in his private vehicle.

It should be noted that the vehicle suspected of the event ended up crashing on Av. 22 and Calle 10 of the Colonia México.

Let’s remember that at the time Edmundo Rodriguez was an applicant for the 16th federal district of the PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democrática) and tried to participate independently via the local presidency of Cordoba in the last elections, however he was unable to obtain the required support that the INE (Instituto Nacional Electoral) asks for to be able continue in said electoral process.


  1. Shoot on sight candidates of PES, PRI, PAN, PANAL, PVEM and PRD.
    Those party animal members need no place in society or the world.

  2. Pinchi zerote,
    como que se cree muy chingon.

  3. Just don't understand???? Amlo says murders r Down

    1. If he is getting bribes from cartels, he has to please them, and say murders are down. Wonder if Mexico will be the homicide capital for the 3 year in a row.

    2. 5:47 AMLO is right, this motherfacker did not die.
      You are wrong, why don't you go and kill this asshol?
      Then you can COME back and blame AMLO.

  4. Cool bullet proof truck.

  5. So the would be assasins attempted to murder this man, they fired they missed and after missing their target they crashed? What a failure these guys are


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