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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Guerrero: Impoverished youth recruited as cannon fodder are fighting back [video]

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-from Proceso

Read text to understand what is happening....

Translated by "Cruz" for Borderland Beat

"We are fucked, we shouldn't have come", says a young man to his colleague that is also under 20 years of age, both are carrying low caliber rifles, wearing a navy blue shirt that reads "Community Policing General Heliodoro Castillo". Together, they run towards a dozen combatants that seem to be overcome by a wave of a powerful blast and they manage to escape in the bed of a truck.
We are talking about one of the armed confrontations that have been registered in the mountains of the entity where members of criminal groups belonging to de Chichihualco and Tlacotepec dispute the turf of de Filo de Caballos and Carrizal in the borough of Leonardo Bravo.

In a video uploaded on social networks, you can see youngsters, for the most part, poor and without expectations of development, being recruited by organized crime to be used as cannon fodder.

The narrator of the story is a young combatant from the borough of Apaxtla de Castrejon, located in the north and where the control of its security is in the hands of a self-defense group that goes by Apaxtlense Movement Adrian Castrejon, who alongside The Tecampanera, the guards of Teloloapan, support the group from Tlacotepec in its attempt to take over the minging and poppy corridor of Xochipala - Filo de Caballos connects the mountain range to the central region.

The residents of communities in the borough of Leonardo Bravo are now fighting to return to their displaced families and to recover their patrimony in the areas that were taken by the Tlacotepec group.

You can see the youngsters in the images on the ground belly up on a dirt gap where they try to remain still during the hailstorm of bullets.

Next, a man wearing a tactical vest, a rifle and taking cover behind a truck, he demands that the recruits go to the battle zone to reinforce their peers.

-"They are scolding us. Telling us to go over there", says one of them.

-"Fuck lets go", responds the other, who warns him that the reason they are not fighting is that they have single shot .22 caliber rifles and the other combatants have high caliber automatic rifles.

The young man clearly states to the man that was demanding they go fight that his instructions are limited to only being there as "back up" in the absence of heavy weaponry and "the brave" referencing the ones that have the high power rifles, were already at the front line.

As the shrapnel gets stronger/louder, dozens of men, adults, and minors flee due to the dense shooting, running and aboard trucks.

The protagonists of this horrible scene decide to climb into the tray of a truck and they ask the driver to step on it in order to escape and save their lives.

-"Step on it Korean/looking", yells one of them.

-"We are fucked, we shouldn't have come", says the other with an expression that reflex nervousness.

Later, you can hear the voice of another man that contacts them through a portable radio and he orders them to cancel their retreat and to go back and fight, but he receives a negative response:

"The dudes from Apaxtla are going back. Everyone is going back man" states the youngster that holds a toy rifle compared to the caliber that the rest of his peers and enemies are carrying on them.

This violent act reflects the cruelty of a war fought by militiamen emerged from poverty who fight for interests that benefit leaders who they don't even know.


  1. It's sad that the USA is not taking notice of the wars our next door neighbors are fighting daily. We, the usa don't have a problem going 7000 miles to a place where we are not wanted and are in fact hatred to get involve in local wars but then turn a blind eye to our brother & sisters right next door. This will come back on us one day soon.

    1. Stop blaming the USA. There’s a lot of moving parts. Mexico is a sovereign nation with a strong military. If they want to fix the problem then they could and should. It’s reasobale to say that it’s amazing this isn’t covered more in the USA media but to blame our government for not policing mexico is absurd.

    2. Yeah you cant really stop the cartels unless mexico got off its ass. They would need 0 corruption sadly that will never happen the narco economy is to big

    3. It's true man! What happens in Mexico, effects us and the USA gov. doesn't even care. What's good for them is good for us they are our neighbor. Instead we are too busy fighting in countries like Syria and lybia and bombing shit all over the middle east.
      but we sit here and let Mexico get pummeled, in basically like a civil war. Then we have the nerve to tell them to not come here for work or to escape the bullshit. fuck the government, just fuck em.

    4. 4:46 learn how to read properly, he is not blaming the US, he is saying it is sad how the US will go thousands of miles away to “liberate” countries like Vietnam, Korea, Irak, Syria, etc. and won’t do the same with its next door neighbors.

    5. Jonny Mocco, USA is not turning a blind eye, they are aware of what is going on in Mexico, they US, pays millions every year, to fight the war on drugs.
      El Perin

    6. Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just...

      -Thomas Jefferson.

  2. The less poor indigenous people the better How beautiful could Mexico had become with Maximilian and the new Virginia. With an Austrian and French majority.

    1. Why is this racist crap even allowed to be posted??

    2. The less loudmouth shitt talkers like yourself the better the world would be!

    3. Such an ignorant comment, surprised Chivis let it slide.

      Long time reader from California

    4. It was Europeans the ones that built "mexico" or NEW SPAIN . Not barbaric heathens who were too busy makings humans sacrifices.
      Maximilian and Napoleon were great leaders They will have fixed the shallow culturess USA and the generic american countries.

      An American Austro-Hungarian/Frankish How beautiful

    5. Sometimes Chivis reminds us of the crap she deals with.

    6. Thank you....I call it a 'Have at it'

  3. That last paragraph perfectly sums it all up in a nutshell.

    1. That is the same with most wars fought throughout history.

  4. Too scared to fight for themselves so they get kids to do it for them.
    Fkn goofs

  5. Okay, this video is interesting for a couple reasons. One, when we see shootout videos it's always from the side of the police or the military. Not the actual narcos. Two, aren't these guys going to have to face the music when they get back to the safe house? What is worse, being punished for running or the quick death of standing and fighting? Might have been better to stay and fight given the videos I've seen of what they do to people in Guerrero.

  6. Anonymously anonymousNovember 24, 2018 at 3:03 PM

    Good for them to leave. If they go after them, I hope they take a couple with them. It's a damn shame more that consider joining won't see this first.

  7. Video unavailable.

    1. what country are you in? works fine for me

    2. Its blocked hear in AZ

    3. Oh wow...sorry about that, try this link

  8. So this is community/indigenous police fighting side by side with cartels? Thought they were supposed to be innocent campesinos who hated cartels.

  9. YES ! This is the same area I have been posting about ; ie the exodus of the Campesinos, the attack on the Red Cross folks and the attempt of “ La Gente “ to go back to their homesteads.......but it’s not working, obviously........450 schools closed indefinitely? Come on !..........Something has to be done or we will just have even more “ cannon fodder “ , how sadly, Triste, perhaps an entire generation/ generacion. Ugh.

  10. Why are you always talking bad about Guerrero people from there been in the movement since el Leon de Sinaloa days

  11. Why are you showing this. Im Mexican and id rather watch novelas with slim tall actors who act very feminine. And i cant wait for the next world cup to put a huge Mex flag on my suv and burn rubber . Im too busy listening to fantasy narco corridos and growing a beard and using the word "viejon" even though i failed spanish class in High School.

    1. Gerardo Ortiz? Is that you?

    2. You nailed it bro lol bunch of narcoplaticantes

  12. Manuel Luna...colorful comment but of course i can"t post it.

  13. """Youth""" don't you mean boys?? if it was girls this would be international main stream media.

  14. If these young ones had put in some more effort, they probably could have been the first mexican astronauts to go to the moon...

  15. If this would have been Sinaloa people,they would of stayed and fight to the end.

  16. I lived and worked in a village about 8 km west of there, just over the limestone and shale ridge. I overheard one of those type of firefights, about 5 to 10 minutes of heavy machine gun fire interspersed with a few shotgun blasts and .22 rifles someplace near Apetlanca. That area is ALL grupo malo tierra. Outside of the villages whole family estates have had 'reubification' done to them. The gov is close to non-existent.


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