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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Autodefensas Detain Sicario Along With Army Lieutenant

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

The Community Police of Tepalcatepec, Michoacán spotted a subject, an alleged member of the criminal group “Los Viagras”, disguised as a Mexican Military Soldier and who was also accompanied by a lieutenant of the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA).

Both were arrested by comunitarios (community members) while they were aboard a cloned Mexican Military vehicle with serial number: 3317356.

“This sicario of Los Viagras, dressed as a soldier, (he intended) to plant drugs on certain legitimate autodefensa leaders,” an autodefensa leader revealed.

He said that they managed to identify him because he had a full beard and a mustache, the military “do not use the type of beard of sicarios.”

“Thank God they managed to distinguish him in time and present him, along with the lieutenant in charge of this operation belonging to the 17th Battalion, and who was also reported to his superior officers,” he said.

The comunitario also reported that the same lieutenant had had conflicts with the autodefensas on the day of the operation against Los Viagras.

According to his statement, these soldiers reside in areas that are dominated by Los Viagras such as: Catalinas, Pinzandaro, Colonias y Santa Ana, Cenobio Moreno, División del Norte and other villages in the municipalities of Buena Vista Tomatlán and Apatzingán.

Source: Proceso


  1. Completely Off Topic But Does Anyone Know What's Been Going On In The Case Of The 3 Mex Bros In Malaysia Since Last April's Appeal To The Sultan?

    1. they got hanged

    2. Published On: Fri, Apr 24th, 2015
      By Yucatan Times
      Three Mexicans to be Executed In Malaysia

    3. They are death....they got executed a while was all over the new a while back. They are playing strip poker with Satan....

  2. Yes what happened to them had they been US Anglos they'd be back home Malaysian govt on their knees apologizing

  3. Chapos people keep getting caught

    1. Como chingas con tu chapo,ya mamasela compa
      BB:I'm just keeping real.

  4. Real men have peachfuzz not beard, mustache, and side burns.

  5. AD my ass they're cjng.

    1. Like I've stated before the AD's are funded by powerful people in that area. That doesn't justify the military getting in there with another cartel to frame someone.

  6. Los Viagras not staying up.

  7. They were executed.

  8. A ese cabron lo deberían de torturar por días para que mire que es sufrir como lo an hechos esos cobardes con tanta gente inocente. Quitarle las uñas y los dientes, quemarle sus partes intimas, fracturarle las piernas y brazos con un bate de madera, echarle cloro en sus ojos, echarle azúcar en su cuerpo y ponerlo donde están las hormigas. Y puedo seguirle con las torturas para estas lacras.

    1. Seems to me that you need some help

  9. Los z used the piedras negras prison as a slaughterhouse with inmates coming and going as they choose.another one of moreiras corruption scandals.

  10. Pues on ta el Papa Smurf?

  11. lol he looks like he's crying. good thing they xaught him but at the same time I know the government will let them loose ones they turn him over. they should have bust a cap in their ass!

    1. they should of executed both of them and went on with the day, then the government wouldn't have to let anyone go! That's what these soldiers need to start doing.. Getting rid of all this evil.

    2. But the soldiers are all in on it?

    3. Soldiers know, Corporals know and expect a promotion, Sargeants are all made and in on it, they expect a commission, lieutenants, are all in and on for more, become gafes, ganfes, gates, own a plaza, become chiefs of poolice, or at least commanders somewhere...anything but work decently...

  12. So they were spotted because they were wearing killer beards ? Dumb asses . I guess these people don't end up in this trade because theyre smart

  13. I've read more than once that the Arellano Felix are distant cousins of el Chapo (just like the Beltran Leyva are), is it true?

    1. They are almost all related, either by blood or by marriage.

  14. @40 months. They're awaiting execution.
    Train up a child in a way he shld grow...

  15. Supposedly el Chango Mendez is out of prison. Hasn't been confirmed but that is what social media is saying.

    Very bias and in favor of the Viagras but they say Chango is free

    1. Isnt chango lfm compadres with mencho cjng or did they kick menso out to jalisco?el chango is tuta enemy que no?tuta is pissed about that soon as you take one the other pops back up n vice versa.ct lfm cjng viagras milenio gu all the same shit.

    2. Puros MICHOACANOS fighting themselfs shits all wrong,at least we know that MICHOACAN is a the hardest state as far as people with balls,no other state has had the corage to stand up against cartels

    3. @6:14 don't forget and also betrayeds their own people and at the end, become the same criminals they're fighting

  16. This crap just jepordizes all of Mexico's security operations.Isn't that same area where Harry D had a military escort[cloned vehicle perhaps with sicarios]?

    1. Mexican security operations are in the toilet since the 4o's
      Forgettaboutit, only they have become RECKLESS IN THE LAST 20 YEARS...

  17. Can they at least get uniforms that fit!! The dude only has the top 2 bottons done. che panzon!

  18. Que pendejo!!! Surprised he doesn't have a mullet because if he did, I'm sure he'd let it flow out the back of his cap, too, forgetting real soldiers have a high and tight.

  19. Desde Tierra Caliente
    It is this that Castillo will never say anything. Vale la pena to say los autodefensas are la unica modo se puede get true justicia for Michoacan. Favor se sigue el detener de socio SEDENA. He will be free in 10 days. Dr. Mireles will stay in Tepic. Chong sabes all this. ¡Despiertes Mexicanos! Nuestro Pais es como Corea Norte.

  20. Undercover operatives can wear any hairy cut they want, did you want this perp disguised as a viagra?, it was enough that he was going to bat for a Lieutenant of the mexican army doing "his duty" of planting arms and drugs on the AutoDefensas as usual...both should have been paraded and shown on TV, TELEVISA ETC, what about on jorge Ramos or Sean Penn tv? It would be SOOO FAIR...

  21. Study your enemy well. - El Soldado Perdido

  22. This is not surprise. Everyone knows the Mexican Military is crooked.

  23. Yea study your enemy close.. study the weak point and stab on the on back this the school thing of the americano that idiot traitor criminal ..I don't undestand why he is not in jail I will be glad somebody kick his ass

  24. Michoacan is a war zone right now with la Familia Michoacan,Ct and CJNG. may the craziest, sickest, blood thirsty cartel win.


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