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Monday, April 20, 2015

Michoacán: Contrary to Castillo's claim, Federal Police gunned down 16 unarmed civilians

Lucio R. Borderland Beat republished from Animal Politico with material from Aristegui, Proceso and Univision

A journalistic investigation reveals that at least 16 people were killed by federal police on January 6, in Apatzingán Michoacán  
This truck carried 6 young lemon pickers, in the video you can see that one young man was suffering and alive, police would not allow medical assistance for the wounded -click to enlarge
"One of the autodefensa fell to his knees  and was kneeling with hands folded at  the nape of his neck;  He told them that they had no weapons and  pleaded with the Feds  not to shoot , but loud shots rang out and he fell dead  from three bullets.”

A journalistic investigation reveals that at least 16 unarmed people were killed by federal police on January 6, in Apatzingán Michoacán  

Members of the autodefensa forces of Michoacán were killed in Apatzingan on January 6 by elements of the Federal Police.  Their deaths were not because of the "cross-fire", as had been assured by former Michoacán security commissioner,  Alfredo Castillo.   This was revealed  in a report  supported by 50 interviews, death certificates, and audio recordings in an  investigation by  Mexican journalist Laura Castellanos.

The attack was not only against men, but women and children as well.

One of the witnesses to the attack said that his companions were unarmed when they were attacked by the police, who had been ordered them to raise their hands and kneel.
"We were in a state of confusion and heard nothing else after we heard the officers say, "kill those dogs, kill them all!"
Castellanos says, federal elements left the wounded to bleed without calling for help for over an hour.   If an ambulance had been dispatched to transfer the victims for medical care, there would have been fewer fatalities,  the hospital was less than a half mile from the scene.
The report indicates that the director of the hospital, Carlos Torres Vega, explained that the authorities blocked the transfer of the wounded.
 "The Feds prevented the transfer  of the boys, even though they were not being detained".
(The 16 minute video below has important and detailed information.  Vato is translating the narrative.  At bottom of this post is information about the website attack of Aristegui News after the publishing of this report)

More than three months after the events, the National Safety Commission announced this past Saturday that there will be  an investigation into Apatzingán, following  anonymously receiving,  

 "a video which we can infer alleged acts of excessive use of force or abuse of authority,  by members of the Federal Police, in the town of Apatzingán".

The Commission reported that notice was given  to the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the unit of Internal Affairs of the Federal Police to initiate investigations and "define or determine any responsibility against public servants."

However, it does not mention the date of this occurring.

The incident occurred on  January 6 and the victims were members of a autodefensa (self-defense) group that aimed to stop the leader of the cartel of the Caballeros Templarios, (KnightsTemplar), Servando Gómez, alias "Tuta", who was subsequently arrested on 27 February.

According to the investigation, the victims were protesting the dissolution of the group ordered by Alfredo  Castillo, who was then Commissioner for safety and the Integral Development of Michoacán. They also asked for compensation for their services in the search for "La Tuta".

About the shooting, Castillo said; "almost all people could have been executed by their own comrades, that is, by a matter of cross-fire, and there are only two people who both received impacts wounds from Federal Police but they also received impacts from the civil group". (meaning the two could have been killed by either the federal police or the unarmed AD who had only sticks and pipes in their vehicles)

"It is impossible to determine which of those bullets killed them, (this is the _____ who was able to determine Hipolito’s son Manuel’s weapon caused most of the killings in the December shootout)

But the evidence will make clear that the both vehicles and bodies both have bullet impacts in the front and in the back,  and the Federal Police would not have shot these people in the back.”

“There is no evidence of that. ."He added.

Two weeks after the shooting occurred in Apatzingán, Castillo left his office, while the local control of the Federal Police, was with Fausto Arenas.

After publishing the report,  journalist Laura Castellanos said she has been harassed and threatened, so she is now under the accompaniment of the organization, Article 19, which defends  Journalists.

A day after the fact, on January 7, a witness said that three people unarmed and with their hands on the nape of the neck were executed by federal forces. 
"One of the autodefensa fell to his knees  and was kneeling with hands in the nape of the neck; He said that they had no weapons and pleaded with the Feds that they not shoot, but loud shots rang out and he fell dead from three bullets.”
It should be noted that after the publication of this video and report, Aristegui News came under internet attack.  From Saturday the news site  experienced multiple  DDoS attacks.

A denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. A DoS attack generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.

The attacks came just a day after Aristegui News, along with Proceso and Univision , jointly published the report about the January 6th attack on unarmed citizens by federal police.


  1. The good, the bad, the ugly. Alfred Castillo in more then these 16 murders. He is park of the cartel and should be investigated as such. He is the one who slowed and blocked the hunt for La Tuta. He is the one who justified massacres. Now he is the one who needs to be judged, investigated and property purchases and investments delved into. Castillo is the Devil's advocate too and needs to be treated as such. There cannot be immunity for traitors to the Mexican people like himself. He needs to be held responsible, charged, tried and imprisoned for the remainder of his natural life.

  2. That sociopath bastard Castillo ordered these killings to control the autodefensas

  3. It takes an anonymously sent video to initiate an investigation? People have been saying these things since January 6.

  4. This is horrible! and we are at month 3 after the fact

  5. Y por que no salio esa investigación a la luz pública pronto, ya nos parecemos a las instituciones publicas de cualquier índole del gobierno, que todo lo que suceda debe ser rápido y no se sigan cometiendo atropellos con este y muchos más en Michoacán

  6. videos arethe only way the mex government will do anything, just like crooked cops killing unarmed civilians in the states. no vidio, no evidence no justice

    1. We have a saying down in Miami " No Face No Case". These Mofos know what they're doing when it comes to dirt.

  7. They got killed like dogs and sadly no one will get punish for this crime

    1. What do you mean like dogs?Worse than dogs.Dogs get uthenized humanely.

  8. 43 students no justice. 16 people murdered same scenario. there will be no justice Mexico is a narco state.

  9. why r they always halfway or under a truck ? , ever notice that ? they look like they got fucked up pretty bad !!

    1. unarmed people do that attempting to protect themselves from gunfire. they pulled out several people from under the trucks

  10. thanks for adding the part of Carmen aristegui's news website being under attack and down since staurday for reporting this

  11. You can tell the guns and everything were planted. Look at the magazines there are three on the floor right next to each other. Smh how can officers do this to the people. The Mexican government is killing its own people. The officers might not have to face any jail time but when they die they'll be begging God for forgiveness.

    1. That's the first thing I noticed when I first saw the pics the way that the magazines look is unnatural you can see that they have been placed there. Im in the middle of a firefight the first thing I need to do is line all my spare ammo and clips up in a nice neat fashion yeah right.

  12. Estaban desarmados!
    Quien mando a los federales a esa masacre? ALFREDO CASTILLO!!!
    Habrá consecuencias para los responsables?? Ja!
    Pinche Diablo!

  13. This is the real mexico justice kill inpcent people or plant false evience tp put good people in jail they have lot of blpod in their jhands i think satan iwaiting for them is horrible how that people was murdered

  14. Just another normal day in Mexico. Failed country with a failed government, full failed people. Nothing has changed in 200 years, don't expect anything to change unless the US rolls the tanks and military and sets up a new government

    1. THE US DOESNT WANT TO "ROLL TANKS AND MILITARY AND SET UP A NEW GOV" give me a break! They love Mexico the way it is. They are making all sorts of back door deals with Pena Nieto and el PRI. USA don't care about some poor campesinos. IF THERE WAS EVER A THREAT OF A COUP/REVOLUTION IN MEX THE USA WOULD SEND IN THE CAVALRY TO ENSURE THE PRI STAY IN POWER. OPEN YOUR EYES! The Mexicans are the only ones who can change their country. The poor are powerless and even weaker when unorganized, scared, and unmotivated.

    2. Sad, but I'm having a hard time defending beautiful Mexico! Most Mexicans are good honest people, but the greed of the few is becoming too much!

    3. Doug is right. If there wasn't a market, there would be no turf wars. It's funny how people make a big deal about blood diamonds from Africa and then snort up cocaine at parties. It's the exact same situation.

    4. I love how White Americans so called patriots/racist. Spit all over Mexico's name,image,history. Yet you know nothing about Mexico it's people & this so called (fake) war on drugs. Mexican's have been fighting to over throw these rich/corrupt/gov/which is US backed for over 400yrs. Yes it's true Farmers in the storied “Golden Triangle” region of Mexico’s Sinaloa/Durango/? state, which has produced the country’s most notorious gangsters and biggest marijuana harvests, say they are no longer planting the crop. Its wholesale price has collapsed in the past five years, from $100 per kilogram to less than $25. But who gave Mexico permission to grow poppy's Fields (heroin) the US govt in ww1or2 the US needed heroin to drug their wounded soldiers so they could keep fighting & stay drugged and stupid. It's funny how Mexicans have been fighting to change their country for over 400yrs yet here in the US Americans are just starting to wake up out of their day dream to realize they are being F'd in the ass by the rich & the government.

  15. Somehow Castillo will pay for his deadly deeds. He won't get away with what he has done and the people he has affected. Karma works in mysterious ways....

    1. Yes, indeed; Karma does work in mysterious ways. Castillo will pay for his heinous crimes one way or another; if not in this life, it will be in the next.

  16. January 6th is a holy day, El Dia seiz! As some call it! May their souls rest in peace! And for those that committed the atrocities may your conscience be a reminder till the day you die! Sleepless nights and nightmares is a horrible way to live!

  17. Alfredo Castillo how can you live with yourself knowing that you are hurting the beautiful country you claim to be your own! "Que Verguenca"

  18. Castillo will eventually face war crimes from the U.N. eventually! Give it time! EPN and his cronies will fall in disgrace!

  19. I hope this goes international .Imagine the gall of them with many witnesses.At least the 43 were taken away 1st.This just shows horrible impunity.

  20. As sad as it is to say....For this reason, people protect and glorify cartels and their members. They're the only chance against the government. Cartels are the only ones with the money and firepower to battle corrupt officials. Sad but true.

    1. But the currupt government is a product of the cartels.

  21. Father Knows All and None Shall Enter His Kingdom But By Their Own Judgement. For There is No Place For Evil in His Kingdom.

    1. Our Father,Your Kingdom come,Your will be done,ON EARTH,as in heaven
      Gods war of armegeddon is coming to clean the earth of these kinds of bastards.

  22. Hey you servants of the devil. I wouldn't want to be you, ever. No matter what nation you inhabit, what uniform you wear, your services to satan are recorded and will be hung around your necks on judgement day.

  23. Violence, corruption and a general lack of respect have become a trademark of Mexico. I am disgusted by the actions of this very broken nation. If Mexicans want to know who is at fault just look in the mirror.

    1. All they would see is theirselves and a pile of Coke

  24. Until when this fucking bullshit of killing our own kind going to stop #YaMeCanse

  25. Wow now israel saw an opportunity in mexico !!!! GALIL RIFLES!!!! I'LL TOTALLY JOIN A CARTEL IF I CAN DIE SHOOTING ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIES!!

  26. Where is the ASSHOLE Alfredo Castillo ?

  27. USA had a small scale local gang wars in the 20s and 30s and we fixed it by legalizing alcohol....HEY MEX hint hint!!!


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