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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Juarez Cartel Leader Vicente Carrillo Fuentes-at Mexico City PGR Hangar after arrest

Borderland Beat



  1. wow, I'm impressed.

  2. Big ass difference in pictures at first in 1st one posted he looks like a paisa, now on this picture it looks like Vicenroy. Well now that he got popped lets see what names he spits out..maybe Zambada o el Mencho or maybe La Tuta? Damn thatll be great if they finally nab that little prick Tuta Puta!

    1. Tuta has a video with EPN he going down

    2. yeah right BB would of had that sucker up already with a 1000 comments

  3. This big dogs all working something out with mex government. That's y theirs no shooting and just letting them selfes get cought

  4. Big mistake trusting zzzz
    Lo puso el judas z40

  5. I really believe that the Escorting Agents are CIA Agents for the US

  6. He does look like him on the first picture.

  7. Bunch of punks! All the fire power all that MACHO BULLSHIT, Chapo, Z40, Hector Beltran Leyva, La Barbie, El Grande, Benjamin Arellano Felix, El Vicentillo and NOT 1 pinche bullet fired! Pinche bola de mamones. Learn from M1 Torres Felix n Eduardo n Ramon Arellano Felix they went out with style!!

    1. Yeah but they live to fight another day

    2. I think ur forgetting that Chapin did have an ak but didn't fire cuz his wife n kid were n the room. If they hadn't been there he probably would've went down n a firefight. Although u gotta hand it to Arturo beltrane

    3. Yeah you forgot about el botas blancas

    4. Yes i forgot Arturo Beltran Leyva my hats off to him he LIT up Cuernavaca...that was some heavy Machismo there!!!

    5. Chapos a PUNK he his probably snitching his ass off, the guy was ready to testify against El Teo. so AK or NO AK being the "strongest" Cartel leader went out like a CHUMP!!

    6. Did you guys forget about nachito cornel he died fighting,

    7. Deep down inside the are all pussies.

  8. Resembles Amado in the face...

  9. I don't think he was that dumb?

  10. Woooow rcq and epn are one great team lol

  11. Yea at least my cousin amador levario went out like a man him and his people shot it out with the feds state etc this dudes just come out I give up like little ass girls

    1. Hahaha yeah your cousin

    2. What a brave and honorable guy (yeahhhh....)

    3. You should be proud of him. I will pass on his grave.

    4. Really ur cousin was amador levario? My dad was one of his partners in crime

  12. You forgot botas blancas, and dont forget cartel de sonora, R1 is still out there and too many bigh fish are falling. EPN is planning something big but with who i ask????

  13. Business continues as usual. It dont matter if he he got caught. Cesar carillo fuentes has been running the cartel.

  14. Cuantas veces les a via dicho ke la Gente Nueva seguia bien pilas en Chihuahua?! Cuantas veces les avia dicho ke el cartel de Sinaloa controla la ciudad de juarez?! Y como dicen los demas LOS CARILLOS no existen pabajo los contras puro SINALOA..DOBLADOS..GENTE NUEVA 👊

    1. Puro sinaloa doblados para enfrente para que les den por detras la gente nueva que les eta quitando el poder lol you said I th right!!!

    2. Hoy a este pendejo no mames.. Yo soy de Juarez aki tu puro cartel no vale ni una verga. Los de la gente meca ni sus lucez

    3. Por favor 10:21pm. So sabes nada.las Dobladas de cereso puro putos alli k son ustedes.

    4. Hoy a ese pendejo ke ni se le entiende ke putas dice! Mejor callensen porke la verdad en toparse se cagan de miedo ya lo sabe la gente de Juarez quien patrulla las calles seguido y son los DOBLE A' puta risa me da sabiendo cuantos putos del barrio azteca brincaron alos ARTISTAS porke ya sabian ke no iban a durar!!!

    5. Por eso eres un tonto y bobo doblada. Por ese los aztecas te quitaron a tus colonias. Donde estan ustedes yo nomas veo a los aztecas en todo partes de juarez. Por eso ustedes son dobles de putos.

  15. So I guess this means that drugs won't be available anymore, anywhere soon...... Jajaja neta no mames wey

  16. Why werent they putring his head down like chapo

  17. Shoot outs don't make money .... if you die you can't get a piece of the pie they no someday they will be able to get out and use their money all those guys that died their families only have limited amount of money it might seem like a lot right now but they got used to the expensive life so it won't last long

  18. Does anybody know if this is the guy who ordered and killed thousands of women in Juarez a few years back when he lived there?

  19. Lol they said viceroy ran from Chihuahua because gente nueva where on viceroys toes

  20. El H and El Viceroy, probably both with heart problems, erectile disfunction, and wearing adult diapers.

    Yeah, these guys will be hard to replace.....

  21. Wooooow, another supposed untouchable boss or ghost bites the dust!!!! You got to give Credit where credit is due, and EPN is knocking them down like Pineada's! I would have bet money VCF was dead! I can't even begin to explain how shocked I am of the captures over the last year. I'm almost scared, what does this mean for Mexico?

    1. Epn kicking ass
      Who would of thought

  22. I read all the comments about iguala and that the government is acting like they are doing something against it by catching these cartel leaders so the world could say Mexico is doing justice. I think the comments are true, stupid Mexican government is getting to much heat from those students killed. Now they are getting pressured by the U.S. to do something and they go north when it happened in southern Mexico! They don't want to catch the governers of guerrero because they are clicked up with epn! They even have photos of them together. What a mess Mexico is.. real

  23. 10:41 yes, BIG RAT campaign needs to get started, dirty politicians only, the narcs may want to get even and start being all the sopranos they can be, how about reduced sentences for bringing big politicians to prison? Then there are BIG businessmen, bertie boy moreira knows a few, like those who killed bertie boy's son...
    I'be been out of mexico for about 40 years and have no plans to go back, it is much safer here, on the US, but i have had about 60 acquaintances killed here, friends and foes, and many police officers work with criminals too, to make their pension plans produce, they have been invested on partnerships with criminal enterprises and are not producing and in peril of failing, as they should, because politicians and police, like old widows, SUCK AT BUSINESS, anybody with a plan for making big money can swindle them for the 401k savings and kickbacks

  24. All you people saying that this person or that person snitched. Remember that these guys are enemies, they wouldn't wait until they get caught to get even. If they knew where they were they would kill them. When people close to them start to fall, then we know someone in that circle is snitching. I don't think chapo will take down mayo, he's too important to continued success. I heard they already let chapo go.

  25. IM GOING TO BE LMFAO WHEN EPN GIVES RCQ to the us after hes done with him

  26. FYI Chapo is not locked up....he still is running the show hes free as a bird puro show

    1. HahahAaa... im sure you believe in the tooth fairy too.

    2. Yeah its true chapo was released ....

  27. there is a Talker in Mexico everybody is getting caught

  28. parece ser, ke los gringos van a empesar a comprar y transportar su propia merca, que mejor manera de chingar a su propio pueblo? agusto..

  29. Its so obvious that the government is corrupt as shit. Your telling me all of a sudden all the capos put their guard down?? Cmon. Obviously there is a pact going on. "Were coming after you or you turn yourself in"

    trying to make up for the Igualla case" Heard that

    Perfect timing to take everyone's interest out of Igualla(Tlatlaya)and the embarrassing pictures of EPN and that ugly little bulldog mayor.
    Fuck Viceroy what about the students killed by police and mayors,burned and mutilated beyond recognition?

  31. It looks so cute that one oficer cleaning his face on the picture.hooo!

  32. When the PRI lost power, they protected all this Cartel, to make the PAN look bad, now they are back in power, they are not needed. The Government Knows where are the big Cartel Capos are located, and will used them as pawns, when need to shift attention from corruptions, like Iguala.

    1. Lol the bandidos ain't going no where been around since pancho villa still ain't going no where.

  33. Did they stop payments to mex government or turn ur self in and u get to stay in mex with all ur money and family and make government look good and we will never here from u again or bother u ?????.

  34. Ther hast to b a pact between the capos and the government they dropping like flies.

  35. Pri cleaning house and taking out the old trash and putting new trash in ther places! plane and simple!

  36. The government knows exactly where every single capo is. They capture the big names to try and divert the worlds attention when they're corruption comes to light. Chapo is arrested when the auto defensas were world head line news, H is captured when the truth about the iguala massacre is revealed, now Vicente is captured when the incident in ayotzinapa is making world headlines.

  37. 1000 comments?

    Blogger only accommodates around 220 depending qty of character in comments.

  38. This capture was only made to deflect all the heat from EPN for the massacre of all those students.

  39. no se parece nada. no es el ni tampoco el z40...

  40. One time I was waiting in line on my car in Tijuana around 2001.  An old beat up car dented my bumper, I got out and saw my bumper, then walked to the driver and gave him the "come on dude" hand signals, and he answered me in a bad mood "your cars fine" in spanish.  Then he gave me the shatta fuck up and get out of my face look... he seemed possed off and like he had a bigger fish to fry... he . I saw this on his face, and I just went calmly back to my car sin hacerla mas de pedo...he actually got out of the line and  went on reverse to mex halfway thru line... some months later on I was reading an article on Ramon Arellano Felix, and I taught he looked like that guy who dented my bumper... man I got scared.  I always wondered if it was really him.

  41. A dream buddy only a 2001 they were HOT on the AFO trail NO way was he going to risk being caught in border

  42. Sinaloa are nothing but gallinas con guaraches ! pinches ratas

  43. @ 5:24 same as you only your a bigger pussy for talking shit online hiding behind a computer

  44. Women were killed in juarez by orders of at first of egiptian shariff, then the police took a liking to it, and the soldiers that came later, guilty as hell too...
    Couple that with the tourists experts on rape and murder, and you get the total cd juarez picture, except the ones taken to chihuahua for the governor and his friends' pleasures...


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