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Monday, June 10, 2013

Mayhem in Ciudad Juarez: 7 die

By Chris Covert

Three unidentified individuals were shot to death in front of a bar in Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua state early Monday morning, according to Mexican news accounts.

According to a news item posted on the website of La Polaka news daily, the victims, two men and a woman were shot in front of La Academia bar near the corner of calles Zaragoza and Cardenas in Primero de Mayo colony in southern Ciudad Juarez at around 0200 hrs.

Four other unidentified individuals were killed or were found dead in Ciudad Juarez since Sunday night, according to separate news reports which appeared in La Polaka news daily.
  • An unidentified man was shot to death in southern Ciudad Juarez Monday.  The incident took place near the intersection of calles Fragata and Trasatlantico in Hacienda de las Torres colony, where armed suspects approached the victim, who was a street vendor, then shot and killed him.
  • An unidentified man was found shot to death in Ciudad Juarez Monday.  The victim was found near the corner of calles Barbachano and Yepomera.
  • An unidentified man was found strangled to death in Ciudad Juarez Monday.  The victim was found inside a residence near the corner of calle Carlos Amaya and Ramon Alcazar. in Constitucion colony.  He had been strangled with a plastic bag.
  • One unidentified man was shot to death in a shooting and another was wounded  in Ciudad Juarez Monday evening, according to a news report posted on the website of El Diario de Juarez.  The victim crashed his Nissan Titan pickup truck into another vehicle, a Dodge Neon on Avenida Paseo de la Victoria near Calle Tapioca at around 1820 hrs.    Armed suspects who had been pursuing the victim then fired on the driver from the passenger side, killing him.  The driver of the Neon was injured in the crash, but was not hit by gunfire.  A separate La Polaka report said the sedan involved in the crash was a Chevrolet Cavalier.  The La Polaka report also included a photo of the scene which showed a white Chevrolet Astro van was also involved in the crash.
Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and  He can be reached at


  1. Theres been hella lot of executions and killing on Culiacan stuff really heating up over there

  2. Chihuahuenses, ya es tiempe que le hagamos un frente comin a la delincuencia organizada: como lo hecho in otros estados de la república. Para deshacernos de los que los matan, extorsionan, los que violan nuestras mujeres y niñas., y los que los secuestran. Ya alejense de aqui ustedes que se dicen llamar la línea y dejen a la sociedad Chihahuense en paz. Y llevense a sus aliados los Zetas, que lo único saben es hacerle daño a la sociedad en cualquier lugar onde existen. La gente de Chihuahua nomas quire paz y tranquilidad. Ya estuvo línea. Ustedes nomas son la escoria que los andá robanda nuestra paz y tranquilidad.

    1. Calmese pinche lamehuebos de el chapo desde que ese wey quiso entrar a Juarez empeso el desmadre no nomas en Juarez en todo Mexico, pinche lambiscon

    2. La gente nueba ase esas mamadas, pero claro Este wey ba a defender a su preciado chapo y echarle la barra a la Linea, no mames, ya cambiale a tus corridos wey que el chapo no es el bueno, es el peor de todos

  3. Por El Amor de Dios . Mayhem in Monterrey, Mayhem in Tamaulipas , Mayhem in Juarez.
    For those old enough to remember . Mexico never used to be like this. Cannot wait until the day U.N. troops patrol the streets of Juarez.
    Too many deaths , Too many cover ups, Too much corruption and Too close to the U.S.A.


  5. The chapos are falling like flies

  6. thats good to hear Twister,just as long as there is narco's dying.

  7. Ban a seguir cayendo Gente nueba Como moscas haha

  8. The UN are u serious? They are what's making us so much closer to the piece of shit new world order that's taking place as we know it slowly country by country, the UN is worthless and is just waiting for the right time to screw us over along with the piece of shit pope people praise I swear people need to wake up to the truth alredy

  9. All the dead are gente nueva? I thought they had Juarez under control I guess not


  10. So can someone give us reliable info on wats goin on, all i hear is alot of cheerleading and hearsay, i thought linea had a truce with gn, or was dat a bunch of croc!!

  11. June 12, 2013 at 12:20 AM
    "all i hear is alot of cheerleading and hearsay, i thought linea had a truce with gn, or was dat a bunch of croc"
    Dude,i know,i read that GN and La Linea are fighting,then again you hear that they may actually be workin alongside each other,or,that they are separate entity's working for themselves now.What about Los Ms in all this they Durango?,are they involved in any of this?The Mexican bros here just want to argue with each other,and cant seem to answer any question.Now and again you get a Mexican bro who you can talk to,it makes me think most dont know anyway.The different crews there do make it confusing about who is against who.So is this La Linea doin the killing?Guess that tells us something about their working arrangements?

  12. Chiuhuahoenses, es tiempo que los levantemos en protesta con la delincuencia organizada sea quien sea. No importa de que cartel sea, la ciudadania debe terminar con estos lacras de dos patas bastardos. La línea no mas los hacen daño y los quieren crear un desmadre en Chihuahua como la an hecho en dos décadas. Escuchan Chihuahoenses. Les hacemos una llamada a todos los funcionarios del país que, sean federales, estatales, municipales, hagan una limpieza social para deshacerlos de los depravados de nuestros hijos.

    1. Chingue asu madre pinche chaputo

  13. June 12, 2013 at 4:18 PM
    "Chiuhuahoenses, es tiempo que los levantemos en protesta con la delincuencia organizada sea quien sea"
    Saludos bro,wouldnt it be great if all the decent people finally found some kind of help or catalyst to end these rats who prey on the decent and working people of Mexico.

  14. So what happened them pretty boys came in from NM that one was the big border boy? Now they gone?


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