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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mexican Military Using Flyers in Drug War

Rio Grande Texas Valley
Reported by: Lisa Cortez

The Mexican military is using a new tactic to stop cartel violence and gain support from people in border towns. They're handing out flyers with a simple message: Don't help the cartels, don't give them places to hide, back the Mexican military and help protect Mexico instead.

Mexican marines passed out the flyers on the streets of Reynosa this weekend. It starts by saying, “Enough already! Don't make pacts with cartel members.”

It says, “Support the Mexican military and with your help there will be no street or community where the criminals can hide. Show us where they are and we will arrest them.”

The flyer urges citizens to help stop the robberies, kidnappings and violence plaguing Reynosa and other border towns. The flyer also lists phone numbers and even an e-mail address where people can submit information anonymously.


  1. This whole thing is beginning to look a lot like Iraq and Afghanistan. Cartels are like insurgent groups hiding amongst civilians. Things in Iraq did not take a turn until the US army reached out to the people of the communities to get their trust and support. The flyers made by the Mexican Military are just that. But who knows when things in this drug war will start to turn. Probably not for a long long time.


  3. Don't use carte blanche statements like the Military works for the cartels. If that were even 75% true, Mexico would have aready surrendered.

    Use what is right and honest, smart and brave about the military to help regular citizens stand up and fight. That is what this message is all about.

    I don't think you can be a Mexican citizen and think this is funny. If you are an American and think its funny, you are just stupid and inconsequential anyway.

    Let the people who can help, do so.

  4. Anon 7:56 PM

    What part of this do you find funny? Point out the humor for us or tell us what you would be doing instead of passing out flyers. We already know about some military who have helped the cartels. If you don't have any new info or innovative approaches to post - spare us the irony.

  5. "This whole thing is beginning to look a lot like Iraq and Afghanistan. Cartels are like insurgent groups hiding amongst civilians. "

    Bingo! This is an insurgency. Until the people actually take responsiblity for their own safety, as is their duty, the violence will never end, unless the cartels completly take over.

  6. This flyer approach mimics the US strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan but many in those countries view the insurgents as revolutionaries while in Mexico the people view the cartels as murderous oppressors who take sadistic-pleasure in kidnapping, torturing, murdering, and decapitating for money and do not discriminate against women and children they are a equal-opportunity destructive force this will be the incentive the US did not have… I am optimistic on to see how this new tactic will unfold.

  7. It is about time they did this, I have said all
    along this should have been done a long time

  8. Not very impressive.

    'The flyer urges citizens to help stop the robberies, kidnappings and violence plaguing Reynosa and other border towns. The flyer also lists phone numbers and even an e-mail address where people can submit information anonymously.'

    And the Mexican civilian population is supposed to now believe that the Mexican military has turned over entire towns and small cities to the cartels for prolonged periods of time simply due to lack of 'call ins' of information to them? Comical.


  9. I'm so sorry the world disappoints you Ernesto. It must be a real burden listening to so many incompetents. You can do a better job of hiding your contempt though. Unless you truly enjoy the safety and stability of your condescension.

    You are so clever! Actually you mean comical in the ironical sense right? Because there is nothing funny about the situation.

    Your determination to hammer your 1950s leftist point of view is admirable. The way (in one sentence) you take a simple attempt at public relations and turn it into a cynical, condescending view of the "Mexican civilian population" (not the Mexican people or Mexican civilians) and an assignment of blame for the Mexican Army is just astonishing. You don't think Mexican people will ever trust their Army and you don't want that to happen because you cling to your hatred of military institutions like grim death.

    The Army passed out the flyers in order to blame Mexican civilians for the Army having abandoned their towns to the cartels and to tell Mexican civilians that the Army will continue to abandon them to the cartels unless they call in information????? That is a truly breathtaking distortion. Did you injure yourself making that leap?


  10. this is a good idea shows initiative..the army is the most trusted institution after the marinas...they are the best bet...the people have confianza in them and feel that they can stand their ground ...we all cheered them at the grito in ...they should add some bountys efectivo for the big narcos...share the wealth narcoculeros..jajaja

    how am i doing at ignoring some things..?

  11. mexican military and federal police are crooked clowns. Send in american troops and black water fighters to get rid of these narco scum bags and bring peace to mexico!

  12. ta hell with sending in American troops ...the Mexican military can do it ...and if they can't , let the Mexican gob appeal to the UN...when did we become the worlds police....we need to spend more money at home ...bring all the soldiers home from all the foreign bases..the military adventurism is killing our economy, along with free trade with china...guard our borders from our own soil i say

  13. Dear Anonymous, what you say I said is not exactly what I did say though....

    You say... 'Your determination to hammer your 1950s leftist point of view is admirable. The way (in one sentence) you take a simple attempt at public relations and turn it into a cynical, condescending view of the "Mexican civilian population" (not the Mexican people or Mexican civilians) and an assignment of blame for the Mexican Army is just astonishing.'

    I have actual family living where the Mexican military has just abandoned 2 towns for weeks and even months on end. You know? Like they did with Ciudad Mier... Get it yewt? It is not their fault that this has been done repeatedly. I did no 'condescend' to my own family there. Get it?

    Now do you really think that these relatives have any real belief that the Mexican military is wanting info about the cartels' actual going ons when the military has done this sort of thing in town after town across Mexico? It is rather obvious to them that when the Mexican military lets the Gulf cartel and Zetas have their towns and places of residence to use as some sort of shooting gallery and football field on a regular basis, where the military just stays away from totally while the killings are let to go on, that the Mexican military cannot be relied on to do anything other than abandon the field of operations, so to speak.... and on a routine basis, not any accidental one due to supposed lack of info available.

    Your polemic against my supposed '50s leftist POV is really kind of weird, too. In the US it was the McCarthy Era and US Lefties were run out of town to places like Canada and Mexico City. Even milquetoast liberals got fired from jobs and thrown in jail for totally bs reasons. So just what is my supposed '50s leftism supposed to be about in your head? You should not let it bother you though and actually try to follow what I am saying rather than opposing some shadow you just make up and attribute to me. What you think?



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